Macedonia (Skopje) – Get Together with Female Lawyers

Successful female lawyers are being invited to an informal get together to discuss on how to promote female lawyers. The meeting will be a gathering of prominent females who are active in practicing law in their country. During the meeting issues on how to better promote female lawyers, how to lobby for better female representation and how a female network could be established, will be discussed.

When? 9th of March 2015

You can find the announcement of our event on this Homepage: www.internationalwomensday/female lawyers breakfast.


Prominent female lawyers coming from different background, working as attorneys, professors, Members of the Parliament, constitutional judges, arbitrators, etc., based in different countries of the Western Balkan, gathered to an informal meeting. Aim of the breakfast meeting was to discuss on how to promote female lawyers and make them play a substantial role in empowerment of women in their countries.

In order to improve the implementation of gender in the law making processes, a higher involvement of female lawyers is needed in all the phases of this process: From drafting to the discussion and approval in the Parliament. This can be achieved by providing a high quality of expertise by female lawyers. Last but not least, first ideas of creating a Female Lawyer’s Network were discussed as a tool to support and strengthen their role in this respect.

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