Ok, this one is a little more tricky. The Genderweek-Websites provides the visitors with a database, that collects important documents and also videos (Youtube) from the pages.
You can see this “Media Center” here.
Before we now add a document or a video-link, we first have to upload a file to the database. Otherwise the Media Center wouldn’t know even about the existance of that particular document, right? This it how it works:
STEP 1 – Uploading a file
Within your post please click on the the “Filebase Icon” on top right of the Format Bar:
A new mask appears. We’re going through it step by step.
First: Klick on “Try the browser uploader”
Now: Select a file from your PC and fill out some of the fields of the form, as shown below:
STEP 2 – Embedding files into your post
To embedd a document into your post, click on the tab “Single File”, then select the template “Download Button” and choose a file from the folder:
This procedure creates a code in your page:
And this is how it looks: