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Infostand of the GIZ Equal Opportunities Commissioner Bonn

8 March is International Women’s Day, a day that stands for equal rights and against discrimination against women*, a day for solidarity among and with women* – and therefore a day on which we would like to come together with

Gender Evidence: Mapping the Terrain

Dear Colleagues, We are delighted to invite you to our online Session “Gender Evidence: Mapping the Terrain”. In celebration of Gender Month this March, we aim to explore and share insights into the existing and various sources of evidence on

GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024

GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024   Don’t miss – the GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024 on Friday, 8th March, 11:00 – 13:00 h CET Where: Bonn, GIZ Campus, Auditorium and online via livestream   We are honored to count on the

G500 Genderonboarding


Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Team
Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment in a holistic, cross organizational way


Inclusive Business and Women Economic Empowerment at the Base of the Economic Pyramid

Genderrollen transformieren, Gleichberechtigung erreichen

GIZ Gender Award 2022 1st Prize GM category

InsuResilience Center of Excellence on Gender-smart Solutions

Gender Award 2022 2nd Prize GG1 category

aGENDERsetting bei der Weltbank –
erfolgreich multilaterale Entwicklungspolitik beraten

G100 Frauen in Führung

Intersectional Diversity Management Initiative

“Intersectionality is a lens through which you can see where power comes and collides, where it interlocks and intersects. It’s not simply that there’s a race problem here, a gender problem here, and a class or LGBTQ+ problem there. Many

Women going Digital – Business Scouts for Development

Die HerausforderungBei gleichem Ausbildungsniveau und identisch hoher Teilnahme am formellen Arbeitsmarkt von Frauen im Vergleich zu Männern könnte das weltweite Wirtschaftswachstum bis zu 20 Billionen US-Dollar höher sein als es heute der Fall ist. Dieses Ungleichgewicht schlägt sich in vielen


Weltweit ist Geschlechterungleichheit nach wie vor ein gravierendes Problem: In vielen Lebensbereichen sind Frauen noch immer Opfer von Gewalt und geschlechter-spezifischen Diskriminierung und zudem unterrepräsentiert in Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft. Akteure der Diaspora, also Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte, die sich der

Gender-Sensitive Event Management – Checklist for practitioners: A building block for internal gender mainstreaming

Mentoring program “Women for Leadership” “Frauen gehen in Führung” 2021: A gender empowerment and mainstreaming initiative of G400

The Road to Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022

When? Thursday 10th March 2022; 11:30 – 13:00 (CET)  Where: MS Teams We want to invite you all to join another important and closely related global campaign, because… It’s time to get ready for Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022! 2022 is

GIZ Gender Award Ceremony

GIZ Gender Competition 2022 and Award Ceremony When? Friday, 11. March 2022, 11:00 – 13:00 CET Where? Bonn, GIZ Campus Auditorium, Live Stream With? Dr. Bärbel Kofler, Parliamentary State Secretary, BMZ Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven, Member of GIZ Management Board Award

Generation Equality Forum – GIZ internal Info Session

4 March | 09:30-10:00 CET and 16:00-16:30 CET | virtual event for GIZ staff |
The SP Gender informs about the Generation Equality Forum, Germany’s role and thematic focus in the Action Coalition Economic Justice and Rights.

AIZ Information desk

Information on current gender training courses and learning opportunities with a gender reference – here we look forward to your feedback: what meets the need, what do you want? Tips & tricks on gender sensitivity in the workplace And: 10

Germany: Changing Norms on Menstruation – Co-creating Menstrual Health and Hygiene Actions

Introduction In November 2019 the German Parliament agreed that from January 2020 the tax on sanitary products – the so-called Tampon Tax – would be decreased from 19% to 7%. At this year’s Menstrual Hygiene Day (28.05.) PtS Flachsbarth (

Germany: Sector programme “Sustainable rural areas” – International meetings of women living in drug crop cultivation areas

Projects involved:  Sector Project “Sustainable Rural Areas” (SV ZLR1, GG1) – Division G530 The sector project advises the BMZ on anchoring rural development approaches, including Alternative Development, in international policy processes. It cooperates with key national and international partners,

Germany: From Zero to Gender

Context and initiative According to the latest predictions of the World Economic Forum it will take another 108 years to close the existing economic gender gap on a world-wide average. The German development cooperation in collaboration with partners from the

Germany: Providing Gender-responsive Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance

Closing the gender gap The InsuResilience Partnership – Envisioning Climate Risk Adaption The InsuResilience Global Partnership (IGP) for Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI) Solutions was established to strengthen the resilience of developing countries and pro-tect the lives

Germany: Women in Mining

STRENGTHENING GENDER EQUALITY IN THE EXTRACTIVE SECTOR                   Gender Competition 2020 – GG1 – 3rd Place CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Women and girls account for between a third and up to half of

GIZ Gender Award Ceremony

GIZ Gender-Award Ceremony In 2019 almost twice as many teams applied for the GIZ Gender Award 2020 as two years ago, exceeding all our expectations. The 120 applications received are an impressive testimony to our commitment and our contribution to

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Gute Ernährung – nicht nur Frauensache

8. März, 13.00 – 14.30 Uhr, Bonn, Saal Donau Die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter ist in vielerlei Hinsicht eng verknüpft mit den Themen Ernährung und Ernährungssicherung. Die Zusammenhänge werden, u.a. in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, seit vielen Jahren international diskutiert. Verschiedene Studien verweisen

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Gender and Climate Change. Gender-responsive NDC-Implementation – What does it mean in practice?

When GUCCI Meets GAMMA – Recognising Women as Powerful Stakeholders in Climate Action By now, it is widely recognized that climate change affects women and men differently and that women worldwide are often disproportionately affected by its impacts. Women’s rights

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Equal opportunities for all? Open workshop: „Gender equality in GIZ“

                When? Thursday, March 7, 2019, 10:00 -11:30                Where? GIZ Bonn, Mäanderbau Donau Hall Who? Equal Opportunity Commissioner, Bonn and all interested colleagues In this open workshop, we would like to listen to you and jointly elaborate on equal

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„Gender im Fokus“ – Fotowettbewerb zum Internationalen Frauentag im BMZ

“Die Frau mit der Machete, die gerade eine Ananas zubereitet, ist eine verwitwete Kakao-Bäuerin, die neben den anfallenden häuslichen Arbeiten ihr Auskommen mit dem Kakao-Anbau bestreitet; sie hat niemanden, der ihr hilft. Ihr Gesichtsausdruck strahlt für mich Stärke, Stolz und

“In Between” In Between A Film by Maysaloun Hamoud

At the initiative of Esther Loehr and Gereltuya Puntsagdash from JUNGE LISTE Bonn, the Film “In Between” will be shown in the Canteen of Mäanderbau of GIZ in Bonn from 17:00 to 19:00 o`clock on March 8th 2018. Popcorn and

Online Exchange: „Empowerment of Women through Digital Solutions”: Review and outlook after a one-year pilot phase

When: 6th March 2018, 10:00 – 11:30 am Where: Skype-for-Business What: Review and outlook after a one-year pilot phase Today, digital technologies are an important prerequisite for social, political and economic participation. They also offer new opportunities to empower women

G500 Gender Group Poster Display in Bonn

Gender is a central topic in agriculture, and the G500 Gender Group is illustrating several gender activities of the sector and global programmes throughout the Gender Week. Posters will be presented alongside the event on “#Code4Equality” on March 6th, and

Info Point: Women and Leadership – Frauen in Führung

Event Dokumentation: Frauen in Führung – Beispiele aus der Arbeit der GIZ im In- und Ausland Im Rahmen der Genderwoche und anlässlich des Weltfrauentages widmete sich ein Info-Stand dem Thema „Frauen in Führung – Beispiele aus der Arbeit der GIZ

#Code4Equality – Mitbestimmung, Teilhabe und Repräsentation für Frauen und Mädchen durch digitale Technologien

Event Dokumentation: Die GIZ Bonn hat im Rahmen der GIZ-Genderwoche 2017 zur Veranstaltung #Code4Equality – Mitbestimmung, Teilhabe und Repräsentation für Frauen und Mädchen durch digitale Technologien eingeladen. Der digitale Wandel hat Arbeitswelt und Alltagsgestaltung, Kommunikations- und Informationsmöglichkeiten verändert. Auch in