06 March 2019, Wednesday
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Womanomics – successfull female positioning in the job

Our first two events 2019 Speed Coaching – Female Finance “Language and Salary Negotiation” and the keynote event “Womanomics” took place in Eschborn with a sensational success! The registrations for our offered Speed Coaching – Female Finance “Language and Salary

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Kick-off: IDA Community MAP & Employment

Kick-off: IDA Community MAP & Employment 6.3.2019, 14:00-15:30, CET   Finding work, but how? When an applicant has secured a job abroad, but their partner is unable to find employment, plans for a foreign assignment can begin to fall apart.

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La femme agricultrice et la Gestion Durable de Terre

Enregistrement d’émission radio grand public de 45min en langue locale avec des femmes agricultrices sur le thème « La femme agricultrice et la Gestion Durable de Terre (GDT) pour son autonomisation et celle de sa famille. » Diffusion des émissions enregistrées à

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La nouvelle stratégie genre de la GIZ

La nouvelle stratégie genre de la GIZ : Une foire interactive d’information et discussions sur des questions de réussites dans la vie professionnelle, compatibilité de travail et famille, culture de travail et mise en œuvre des projets sensible au genre

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How gender stereotypes are influenced by Kosovo’s education system?

“GIZ Kosovo marks gender week with lively debates and reflection of its own gender perceptions” Like previous years, the GIZ Kosovo Gender Group marked the Gender Week with two interesting events – this year with a special emphasis on reflection

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Training in Self-Defense Techniques

A long way to go for an equal society “I really enjoyed the self-defense training course organized by GIZ Ecuador on the occasion of the International Women´s Day and this year´s Gender Week. It helped me to acquire and try

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Brown Bag Lunch “Le genre, ça me concerne ?”

GIZ Mali Invitation Brown Bag Lunch Gender 06-03-2019 We, the gender focal points GIZ Mali, will host a Brown Bag Lunch for interested colleagues to discuss the basic notion of gender by using interactive methods!

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Women in Lebanon Spotlights Campaign

Women in Lebanon Spotlights Campaign Highlighting the history of women in Lebanon and the achievements in gender equality, the Gender Working Group GIZ Lebanon is using the gender week for a daily email campaign. During GIZ’ gender week, a message

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Promotion of Equal Access to High-Tech Medical Services

BOOKLET_Gender week_HTM Project_2019 The following events are held within the framework of the Gender Week 2019 in Uzbekistan: On March 5, we will celebrate the week of promoting gender equality regarding “Gender equality in GIZ” at the GIZ Uzbekistan Office. The following

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Geld. Macht. Unabhängig. Money, Power, Independence.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019 6:30 PM Schwarzkopf Stiftung Sophienstraße 28-29, 10178 Berlin, Mitte, Deutschland https://www.eventora.com/el/Events/money-power-independence-geld–1 Equal pay for equal work? Gender equality is claimed to be one of the EU’s founding values, written since 1957 in the Treaty of Rome.

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Gender and Climate Change. Gender-responsive NDC-Implementation – What does it mean in practice?

When GUCCI Meets GAMMA – Recognising Women as Powerful Stakeholders in Climate Action By now, it is widely recognized that climate change affects women and men differently and that women worldwide are often disproportionately affected by its impacts. Women’s rights

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Dinner and a TED Talk: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s ‘We should all be feminists’

‘Dinner and a TED Talk’ at GIZ Uganda as part of Gender Week 2019            Link: Invitation TED Talk On Wednesday, 6th of March 2019, we will have a get together after work. The evening, that will kick off with

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