The 59th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW59) is taking place right now in New York. From 9-20 March 2015, world leaders and advocates for gender equality have been brought together at the United Nations headquarters in New York…
The 59th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW59) is taking place right now in New York. From 9-20 March 2015, world leaders and advocates for gender equality have been brought together at the United Nations headquarters in New York…
In a press release regarding the upcoming German G7 Presidency the Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel jointly with OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim, ILO Director-General Guy Ryder and WTO Director-General…
The ongoing efforts to promote gender equality and empower women to participate in local and national politics and decision-making are described in this new publication “Strengthening women’s political participation – Eleven innovative approaches from GIZ governance programmes”. If you want…
Promoting gender equality, inclusive growth and development Woman working in rice field Images© Ursula Meissner Social protection is a human right which many women around the world are still denied. Throughout their life cycles – due to their reproductive roles…
Bildinformationen© Foto: Thomas Trutschel/photothek | Logo: UN Women Entwicklungsminister Müller hat sich zum diesjährigen Weltfrauentag 2015 der Kampagne #HeForShe angeschlossen. In seinem Beitrag schreibt Gerd Müller: “Die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter ist eine Frage der Gerechtigkeit für alle Menschen dieser Welt –…
Even though gender equality for all is a key human right, equality for women in the labour market is not yet a reality. Women still interrupt their careers more frequently than men and for longer periods. Many work only part…
Sunday is International Women’s Day 2015! To commemorate the Day, GIZ’s Sector Initiative Social Protection has published an online article on gender and social protection on Healthy DEvelopments, the web portal for German Development Cooperation in health and social protection. The article makes…
Bonn, 5. März 2015 ‐ Zum Internationalen Frauentag starten Schlüsselakteure des internationalen Bonn das Netzwerk „Gender@International‐Bonn“. Das Netzwerk wirbt für Geschlechtergleichstellung als eigenständiges Ziel und als Motor für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Austausch und Kooperation zur Geschlechtergleichstellung, insbesondere durch…
Specific women empowerment approaches don’t need to be a niche but can successfully be implemented in other sectors. The video illustrates the spirit of forestry officials in Indonesia taking part in a Community Dialogue facilitators training. The Community Dialogue approach…
In the Middle East and North Africa region, only 13% of women have an account at a financial institution (World Bank Global Findex). The microfinance network of Arab countries, Sanabel, and the GIZ MFMR programme launched an award that encouraged…
What is it? The Global Campus Gender Network is a free, interactive and user-friendly web based forum. It aims to strengthen our gender competence by sharing knowledge, knowhow and experience. It provides a platform for peer learning and advice as…
One out of three women worldwide is suffering from gender-based violence. We are all responsible to fight and prevent these violations of human rights of women – including companies, as key institutions of our societies. Violence against women does not…
Schätzungen zufolge hat jede dritte Frau weltweit bereits mindestens einmal in ihrem Leben geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt erfahren. Uns allen obliegt die Verantwortung dieser Menschenrechtsverletzung gegenüber Frauen die Stirn zu bieten und uns für die Prävention von Gewalt einzusetzen – dies schließt…
Uno de cada tres mujeres en el mundo sufre de violencia de género. Todas y todos estamos responsables en combatir y prevenir esta violación de los derechos humanos de las mujeres, también las empresas como instituciones importantes en nuestras sociedades.…
Watch an uplifting video! GIZ India: Renewable Energy Supply for Rural Areas (RESRA) Project: assisting lives of women and children Shrimati Bhagwanti Portay and 11 other women seized the initiative provided by GIZ RESRA project: they started producing and selling…
Women living in FATA are facing multiple forms of discrimination in their daily lives and are often victims of the ongoing armed conflict. The area of FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) is directly at the borderline to Afghanistan and belongs…
Gender-specific violence against women is still very widespread in the Andean region and Paraguay. Estimates show that between 30 and 50% of women in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador are subjected to physical violence by their partners (WHO 2010). The countries…
The annual Gender Week and the Gender Competition, which is held every two years, are designed to highlight our commitment, our wealth of experience and expertise in this field. We are determined to capture and disseminate good practices. In doing…
How does gender mainstreaming fit in with the gender-sensitive results-based monitoring (RBM) system? The guidelines on designing a a gender-sensitive RBM system with its practical inlay featuring the integration of gender in the six process steps for designing and using…
Gender pays off! The Gender Strategy adopted by GIZ in 2012 establishes a binding framework and sets the Goal of promoting gender equality throughout the company, with the support of every staff member inside and outside Germany. Find out more…
Egypt – Get an insight to the activities organized by the project “Civic Engagement and Political Participation”: they trained trainers on civic engagement and at the same time focused on empowering young women through WenDo and sensitizing young men on…