develoPPP impacts gender inclusivity in textile supply chains

With develoPPP, GIZ pools resources, knowledge and capital from companies and development cooperation so that both sides achieve more than they would alone (win-win).

With this interactive event, we want to showcase the possibilities of cooperation with the private sector and share a first-hand experience of a particularly impactful project in the textile sector. We’d also like to share some of the results, that were confirmed by an external evaluation.

In the project with the Swedish textile company Lindex AB, the partners successfully incorporated gender aspects into the corporate and human resources strategies of supplier companies and in doing so, strengthened the role of women workers.

Representatives from GIZ Bangladesh, develoPPP and the private company partners will be available to answer your questions.

Date: March 8

Time: 9-10.30 am CET

Location: MS Teams


We look forward to an exciting and lively exchange with you!

Vanessa Veltgens and Madeleine Schön (develoPPP)