Participatory Route / Ruta Participativa

Event Documentation:

Training of Trainers in Ecuador using a methodology for children (5-9 years), which helps to prevent violence against women in a playful way. For more informatin have a look at the spanish publication Guía Ruta Participativa”!

Formación de formadores de la metodología para niñas/os de 5 a 9 años, que de manera lúdica, contribuye a prevenir la violencia contra las mujeres.

Galería de fotos:


When: 9 –  10 March 2017

Where: Coca

With: Beatriz Romero

What: Get to know this new methodology for children between the age of 5 and 9. What a playful way to contribute to the prevention of violence against women (VcM)!

Download the flyer with all events of GIZ Ecuador here:

Flyer Gender Week 2017 Ecuador