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Lets Talk PERIOD

Challenging negative gender and social norms through gamification

Change the system, not the women!

Beitrag der Grünen Innovationszentren in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft


The Join-Circuit in Zambia: an effective and efficient tool for Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC)

Engaging Religious and traditional actors to prevent Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

Women inclusion in the Zambian water and sanitation sector

Women Water Leaders
Promoting gender equality within AWARE

The practical capacity development journey for agripreneurs ‘Gender makes Business Sense’

Women Economic Empowerment – Best Practices from Zambia’s Agricultural Projects

17 March | 09.00 – 11.00 CET | Virtual event |
If you ever wondered what role Women Economic Empowerment can play in your project, hop in and get inspired!

15 African Countries: Gender in agricultural value chain promotion

“The African farmer and her husband…” This proverb entails in essence the importance of women in the African agricultural sector: women form the backbone of African smallholder farming. However, significant gender inequalities can be found in people’s access to key

Zambia: Reaching the population with information on gender-based violence

  The competition entry ”Reaching the population with information on gender-based violence ” from GIZ Zambia can be downloaded here:

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Africa Regional: Competitive African Cotton Initiative (COMPACI)

CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE In total 15.4 million people in SSA live directly from cotton production. Against this background, the Competitive African Cotton Initiative (COMPACI) aims at enabling 680,000 small-scale farmers in twelve countries of SSA (Zambia/ Malawi/Mozambique/ Benin/Burkina Faso/Cameroon/Ivory Coast/Ethiopia/Ghana/Tanzania/

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Zambia: Comic of GIZ Zambia Gender Strategy

Background: GIZ Zambia, namely the country director Mr. Thomas Schaef and the Gender working group1 are helping to contribute towards the company wide and Africa Department gender strategies, by promoting gender at country as well as program level and making

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Zambia (Lusaka) – Breakfast Meeting: Being a professional woman in GIZ Zambia

The Gender Working Group organized a breakfast meeting to commemorate the Gender Week and International Women’s Day by inviting staff members to discuss about being a professional woman in GIZ Zambia. To listen to women’s experiences, they had the opportunity

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