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Sessão de Abertura Mês da Mulher 2024

Opening Session Gender Month 2024 in GIZ Mozambique

Empowering women entrepreneurs for employment creation in Sub-Saharan Africa

Beitrag der Grünen Innovationszentren in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft


Employment for Development Employment/Promotion for Women for the Green Transformation in Africa


Gender Month Mozambique 2023

In Mozambique, a full Gender Month is being celebrated every year between March, the 8th (International Women Day) and April, the 7th (Mozambican Women Day). In 2023, GIZ Mozambique and EnDev were elected to follow the main theme of the

Gender for Basic Education and Professional Training in Mozambique

FROM GLOBAL TO LOCAL – an entire month dedicated to gender equality

Launch of Gender Equality Toolbox for Inclusive Business Models in Mozambique

10 March | 10.00-11.CET | GIZ virtual event |
Launch of the gender equality toolbox for the inclusive business models and developmentpartnerships with the private  sector.

Women share experiences in video snippets

All week | event for GIZ Mozambique staff and public video campaign |
20 short videos about female empowerment in Mozambique are published throughout the week 


“Mulheres e Educação Profissional: Desafios, sucessos e lições para o futuro” The Education Programme of GIZ Mozambiques celebrates Gender Equality with a focus on professional training (TVET). Therefore, an event will be held in Maputo including panel debates and a

15 African Countries: Gender in agricultural value chain promotion

“The African farmer and her husband…” This proverb entails in essence the importance of women in the African agricultural sector: women form the backbone of African smallholder farming. However, significant gender inequalities can be found in people’s access to key

Celebrated Debate: Gender-Week Mozambique

Event documentation: About 50 colleagues participated in the Gender Week Event of GIZ Mozambique, including some representatives from NGOs and EU delegation. Based on a participative approach and on pictures of Mozambican women – fruit sellers, waste collectors and accountants from

Women in public spaces

Event Documentation: On the occasion of the celebration of the International Women’s Day by GIZ in Mozambique, the Good Financial Governance („BGF“) program is pleased to present several of its initiatives for gender equity and women empowerment in the country.

GIZ Mozambique: Gender Week Events in Maputo and Provinces

Events in Maputo, Mozambique Capital: GIZ’ efforts for gender equality will be celebrated on Thursday, 10 of March in Mozambique’s capital Maputo. During the afternoon, GIZ colleagues will meet in the CaféKULTUR, a small familiar restaurant linked with the Mozambican-German

Mozambique: Resource Governance Program

1. Förderung der Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter 1.1 Regionaler Kontext Die aktive Teilnahme von Frauen am öffentlichen Leben ist in weiten Teilen Mosamiks eher die Ausnahme. Im patrilinear geprägten Süden sind Frauen häufig finanziell abhängig von ihrem Partner und verfügen über

Mozambique (Beira) – The Impact of Climate Change on Women

In support of the International Women’s Day (8 March), the Adaptation to Climate Change Project in Mozambique (AMC-Moz) organized a public debate about the role of women in climate change, reflecting on how climate change affects women and about their

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Mozambique (Maputo) – Public Debate on Gender Equality

What will happen? a program’s gender focal point -Aurora Foguette- will provide an overview of the GIZ Gender Strategy with regard to southern Africa; a Mozambican sociologist will talk about “what Mozambican men can do for gender equality”; and the leading

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Mozambique (Maputo) – Imagine Gender: Photo Contest on Gender Equality

The GIZ gender week will be the occasion to gain an overview of the integration of gender equality aspects into the programs of GIZ Mozambique and for awareness-raising: The gender focal points of each program will be asked to choose

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