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Feminist Development Policy: Perspectives from and for Asia

The BMZ’s Feminist Development Policy (FDP) stands exemplary in the global effort to address gender disparity at its core via transformative approaches. At its heart, the FDP targets the very roots of inequality, aiming to dismantle gender-based power imbalances entrenched

Gender, Mobility, and Socio-Economic Status: Perspectives from India

Exciting news! 🗣 The next premiere of Women Mobilize Women’s highly anticipated webinar series in collaboration with Mobycon is just around the corner! In this webinar series, we dive into topics surrounding the intersectionality of gender and mobility. In episode

“Lunch Quiz – How much do you know?” and movie night “Women (2019)” Arthus-Bertrad

GIZ has been active in China since 1979, focusing on promoting sustainable and inclusive development through various projects and programs. In recent years, GIZ has placed a significant emphasis on green development, working closely with Chinese partners to address environmental

Info Session – Feminist Approach in MHPSS

GIZ Lebanon – GWG would like to invite you for an info session on Feminist approach to MHPSS (mental health psychosocial support) provided by our colleague @Mroueh, Reem GIZ LB.   Please join us to discuss more about the topic.

Gender-Based Violence in Mongolia

Kick-off Gender Week – Gender-based violence in Mongolia: a problem without a solution? GIZ in Mongolia invites a national gender expert and Professor Tumendelger to face the facts of gender inequality in Mongolia. Homes, schools, workplaces and the internet are the

Info Session – GIZ Lebanon ASHP

GIZ Lebanon GWG will organize an info session on the anti-sexual harassment policy for gender focal points on March 14. The GFPs will then pass on the information for their respective teams.

Presentation of the National Strategy for Women in Lebanon

The National Committee for Lebanon Women (NCLW) launched the National Strategy for Women in Lebanon 2022-2030. GIZ Lebanon – GWG, on the occasion of the International Women’s day, is organizing a debrief on the strategy with NCLW guest speaker covering

GIZ India : Capacity Development_AIZ Gender in Practice Training

‘AIZ Gender Training – Gender in Practice’- For GIZ India in New Delhi, India  GIZ India in collaboration with AIZ has organized the Gender in Practice Training for our cluster colleagues in New Delhi, India. This in-person training takes place

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Sexual Harassment Redressal Committee for India – Open House !

GIZ is an equal employment opportunity organization and is committed to creating a healthy working environment that enables employees to work without fear of prejudice, gender bias and sexual harassment. As part of the GIZ India Gender Focus – March

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Transformative Approaches (GTA) Participatory Self-Assessment Tool

In light of Germany’s Feminist Development Policy and GIZ’s commitment towards ensuring Gender Equality is a quality aspect of our work, the FMB Department Gender Team has developed a  GTA Self-Assessment Tool that can be applied by interested project/program teams.

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Knowledge Exchange Meet – Learning Together – Gender in Agrivoltaics

GIZ India – ‘Gender in Agrivoltaics’ – Knowledge Exchange Meet Agrivoltaics, the practice of having solar panels and food crops on the same land is a topic that is steadily gaining traction globally! To get ourselves ahead of the curve,

The Justice and Prison Reform for Promoting Human Rights and Preventing Corruption

Trade Facilitation in Central Asia

Triangular Cooperation Pilot on Women Agribusiness Incubator in Malawi

Safeguarding Housing, Land, and Property Rights of Syria Refugees and Internally Displaced People – HLP II

Shana Bashana: Side by side for gender equality in Pakistan’s infrastructure sector


Supporting Peaceful Coexistence in Yemen (SPCY) Action Area Women and Gender Empowerment

Sustainable Urban Development-Smart Cities II (SUDSC II)

Promoting gender equality in TVET

Rural Women of Pakistan Embrace Innovative Agriculture Practices to Combat Climate Change

Lets Talk PERIOD

#TeamGender quest for Gender Mainstreaming.


feminist & fair

Gender Equality in the implementation of Multistakeholder Partnerships (MSP)

Gender at the Heart of ARISE Plus Project

GESI (Gender Equity & Social Inclusion) Audit Tool

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs and Changing Mindsets. A Catalyst for Gender Equality

Embrace Equity: Empowering Women for Cross-Border and Fair Business in ASEAN

Empowering Women in the Kepulauan Seribu Community: A Focus on Gender Inclusivity and Collaboration

Empowerment through Feminist Solidarity

Empowering Women in Peatland Area in Aceh, Indonesia


Cultivating Safe Spaces and Creative Capacities for Women’s Entrepreneurship

WomenEmpower Armenia Initiative

A Feminist Lens to Food Security in Cambodia

AI and Data Science Bootcamp for Women* and Minorities by FAIR Forward

Arabia Felix Brand

Beyond the Blueprint: Joining hands for Gender Transformative Approaches

Capacity Development Support to Governance II (CDSG II)

Boosting women representation in TUEWAS sectors

Joint Gender Transformative Approaches Working Group (GTA-WG)


Empowering Women Through Innovative Flower Waste Management

GIZ Forest and Climate Change

Woman’s Path Festival

Step aside Gentlemen – Female Innovators coming

Together for WoMEN: GIZ Jordan’s Holistic Approach to Gender Mainstreaming

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Destination WEE in ICT in Jordan

Anti-sexual harassment in the workplace A practical guide for employers

Promoting gender diversity at GIZ Viet Nam

Planting seeds of change in India: How communal gardening and nutrition trainings improve nutrition security for women and young children and transform gender roles


The Pink Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Patna as part of the Circular Waste Solutions Project in India


EmpowHER: ERADA’s Gender Equality Chronicles


Beit Byout: GIZ’s Gender Advocacy in Lebanese Communities

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The Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility: Making Business easier for Women

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Output 3 Sustainable Business development and output 4 Fostering employment & Employability


The Cities Challenge Empowering women* as active shapers of sustainable urban development

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Elevating Gender Equality Initiatives in Lao PDR: Advancing through the Continuation of the Emission Reductions Programm


Strengthening Education and Health Services for Refugees and Host Communities in Pakistan (EHS) “Transforming Lives through Leadership of Afghan Women for Equitable Access to Health & Education”


Breaking Chains, Building Voices: Gender Transformative Approaches in Plastic Waste Management for Inclusive and Sustainable Communities- Trivandrum


Beitrag der Grünen Innovationszentren in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft


Promotion of Solar Water Pumps- Indo-German Energy Programme

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Indo-German Energy Programme – Access to Energy in Rural Areas (IGEN ACCESS)


Revolutionizing Urban Mobility through Gender Transformative Interventions in India


Textilarbeiterinnen in Bangladesch: Faktenbasierte Pfade zur Überwindung struktureller Benachteiligung von Frauen


DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality

The GIZ Vocational Training Sri Lanka (VTSL) project, commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Swiss State Secretariat for Migration (SEM), aims to align vocational training with the local market demands. The project

GIZ India ꟾ SENU_Gender Transformative and Behaviour change approaches


International Women’s Day event – Karachi (Sindh)

The event will celebrate women’s stories from the Urban Cohesion Hub (UCH) project in Karachi (Sindh) and advocate for better inclusion and acceptance of women refugees in the local social and economic landscape.

International Women’s Day event – Quetta (Balochistan)

International Women’s day celebration and young girls (both Afghan refugees and host communities) graduation ceremony of I.T Course and English language course in Quetta (Balochistan).

Mga Awit, Tula, at Kwento ni Dakila (Advocacy Concert)

In celebration of the International Women’s Month, GIZ Philippines, together with the German Embassy Manila and UP Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, will be holding an advocacy concert to promote gender equality across all spaces. The event aims to

Girls’ Day in Ninh Thuan province, Viet Nam

On 1/4/2023, an experience day for female students is organised by Ninh Thuan Vocational College that is supported by the Vietnamese-German Programme “Reform of TVET in Viet Nam” to become the first training centre on renewable energies in Viet Nam.

GAP Breakfast – Feminist Foreign Development Policy and what does it mean for the new projects?

On 07.03.2023 Gender Focal Persons from Mongolia of the GIZ East Asia Regional office organize a breakfast to discuss what the Feminist Foreign Policy is. Open face to face conversation to discuss different views, perceptions and most importantly what it

Training workshop on gender equality in the workplace for returning experts

On 10 March 2023, the GIZ Programme Migration and Diaspora (PMD) in Viet Nam will organise a training workshop on gender equality in the workplace for returning experts. This workshop aims to create a platform for the PMD alumni and

Social media awareness campaign – via employee-generated-content (EGC)- conveying our stand for Gender Equity and Inclusion

At the GIZ-Pakistan Country Office level, we are planning a social media awareness campaign – via employee-generated-content (EGC) – conveying our stand for Gender Equity and Inclusion. We aim to publish content on a daily basis throughout March on Twitter and

Talk Show “What does gender equality mean to men?”

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Gender & Diversity Working Group of GIZ Viet Nam will organize a Talk Show “What does gender equality mean to men” which will happen from 13:30 – 15:00 (07:30 – 09:00 CET), Friday

Mini-launch of the study report “Post-Covid-19 Green Recovery assessment of road transport in Viet Nam – From a gender perspective”

Transport certainly remains a pillar for any development model and economy. To recover the operation of road transport enterprises in the “new normal” and improve adaptability to ensure a stable and sustainable economy, it is essential to conduct this study

Lauching Central Asia Feminist Development Team

We are launching our CAFD Team. Our mission is to raise awareness about feminist development policy; inform and support the operationalisation of feminist development policiy in our work across Central Asia and to set an example of creative and innovative

Beit Byout – Theatre play on Gender Based Violence (GBV) awareness

Beit Byout theatre play was created within a project by the UPW – Union of Progressive Women funded by GIZ – PVAWG project. It is written and directed by Dr. Lina Abyad, a Lebanese director. The play presents real stories

develoPPP impacts gender inclusivity in textile supply chains

With develoPPP, GIZ pools resources, knowledge and capital from companies and development cooperation so that both sides achieve more than they would alone (win-win). With this interactive event, we want to showcase the possibilities of cooperation with the private sector

Iraq: Roundtabel on gender-responsive public services

Baghdad, 12th of March 2023: How can gender equality improve the efficiency and quality of public services in Iraq? How can the voices of women be taken more into account within decision-making processes of the public administration? Female representatives from governmental

Webinar “History of Feminist Movements in Pakistan”

In December 2021, the German government committed to a feminist foreign policy. Under this backdrop, in March 2023, BMZ will launch the Feminist Development Strategy and the Federal Foreign Office will launch the Guidelines for Feminist Foreign Policy. This policy will

Gender Training for Forest Stakeholders

Forests play a central role as natural carbon sinks in Viet Nam’s goal to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 as they cover 42 per cent of the nation’s land area. However, forest quality remains poor, species diversity is low, forests

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Workshop – LGBTIQ* Inclusion in German Development Cooperation

27th March: 1:30 – 3:30 pm IST GIZ INDIA GENDER WORKSHOP  ꟾ  LGBTIQ* Inclusion in German Development Cooperation Organized by GIZ INDIA in collaboration with GIZ Experts from GIZ SECTOR PROGRAM HUMAN RIGHTS + GIZ RAINBOW NETWORK Join us for

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Meet – KNOW YOUR SHRC (Sexual Harassment Redressal Committee Members)

GIZ INDIA – GENDER MEET ꟾ KNOW YOUR SHRC (Sexual Harassment Redressal Committee)   With Opening remarks from GIZ India Country Director – Dr Julie Reviere and Inputs from GIZ India’s SHRC Members   The meet is an opportunity to

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Knowledge Exchange Meet – Learning Together – Toolkit for Gender Transformative Approaches for Rural Development

MONDAY, MARCH 6th – 14:30 – 15:30 pm (IST), 10:00 – 11:00 (CET) GIZ INDIA – GENDER KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE MEET Learning Together : Tool Kit for Gender Transformative Approaches (GTA) for Rural Development Sector Network on Rural Development (SNRD) Asia

International Women’s Day – sport event

What: Open Fun sports Day Who: 80 kids (40 girls, 40 boys) When: 11th March, 10am- 2pm Where: Jordan-Al Karak Objective: Celebrating the International Women’s Day Concept: There will be 8 stations/topics with several exercises. Kids will be divided into

cTVET project improves TVET schools’ organisational gender capacities through Participatory Gender Audits

Cooperative Technical and Vocational Education and Training (cTVET)  developed and submitted recommendations to formulate gender sensitive articles to be integrated in the TVET law revision. The government working group for TVET law reform process were working together with national gender

“Gender equality for a sustainable tomorrow” – in observance of International Women’s Day 2022

ASEAN-German Energy Programme’s (AGEP’s) gender inclusive approach on the region’s energy development

GIZ Cambodia Contributions to Internal Gender Mainstreaming

Gender and Consumer Protection in ASEAN

#BreakBarriers: #Gender and #ConsumerProtection in ASEAN. The GIZ-supported PROTECT project welcomes you to join our celebration of the upcoming International Women’s Day in the talk show #BreaktheBias, #BreakBarriers: Gender and Consumer Protection in ASEAN. Discussion will be conducted in English. Registration is open via or by

Gender and Sex: Meanings, Definitions, Identity and Expression

GWG Workshop module 1. Dear GIZ Lebanon colleagues, On behalf of the Lebanon Gender Working Group and part of the Gender Week activities, we would like to invite you to the workshop entitled: “Gender and Sex: Meanings, Definitions, Identity and

Reflections on Queerness in Lebanon and the Arab World

Who is the queer community in Lebanon? Since when has the queer community been organizing and how? What are the different structural and interpersonal challenges faced? What were the milestones reached in terms of change and legal progress? How did

The Gender Focal Team and the Seyhan Municipality Women’s Solidarity Centre of the Promotion of Economic Prospects Program in Turkey

Safe Access to Digitalization for Women in Syria

#NepalsMenstrualMovement is reaching millions

Parent Teacher Councils-PTCs

GIZ Gender Award 2022 3rd Prize GG1 category