34_Deutsch_GG1_GLOBE_Geschlechtergerechtigkeit Rohstoffsektor
31_English_GG1_EMC_Economic participation vulnarable groups
30_Espanol_GG1_APLAK_Propaz II
23_English_GG1_GLOBE_Woman urban development
04_English_GG1_AFRICA_A4TF, WiCBT
Gender Award 2022 2nd Prize GG1 category
Promoting gender equality (40% of marks)Which objectives and results has your initiative achieved?Describe the context, the organisational unit, the sector or the situation in your country or region. Tell us which approaches have proven effective, which results have already been…
Weltweit ist Geschlechterungleichheit nach wie vor ein gravierendes Problem: In vielen Lebensbereichen sind Frauen noch immer Opfer von Gewalt und geschlechter-spezifischen Diskriminierung und zudem unterrepräsentiert in Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft. Akteure der Diaspora, also Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte, die sich der…
Project: Open Regional Fund for South East Europe – Legal ReformCountry: Bosnia and HerzegovinaCategory: GG1 Background information Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Legal ReformThe ORF Legal Reform project is one of the six Open Regional Funds (ORF), which…
Epilog: Wenn über eine Person nichts gesagt wird, wird diese schnell vergessen. In Somaliland w über junge Frauen und Mädchen nicht gesprochen, eine halbe Gesellschaft wird hier im täglichen Leben vergessen. LGBTX ist eine Straftat. Es stellt sich die Frage,…
Gender Equality Situation in Georgia Georgia became independent in 1991. Since independence, it has made efforts to improve the situation of gender equality. Women’s economic empowerment is seen as one of the main goals to access gender equality and Georgia…
Gender inequality in Pakistan is deeply rooted in its social and economic systems. According to the ‘Global Gender Gap Report 2021’ published by the World Economic Forum (WEF), Pakistan ranked 153rd out of 156 countries on the gender parity index. GIZ,…
Concurso de Género de la GIZ 2022 Postulados: Asesor y coordinadora del Programa S I Frontera. Proyecto ROLESSS (Redes de Orientación y Liderazgo para la Superación del Sufrimiento Social). Lugar de ejecución: municipios fronterizos de Cúcuta y Villa del Rosario…
GIZ Gender Award 2022 1st Prize GG1 category
1. Rationale of Intervention – Setting the Context Around 700 million people in India gained access to electricity between 2000 and 2018. This reflects strong and effective policy implementation efforts by various players (International Energy Agency, 2021). But providing reliable…
Issues and challenges in India The transport infrastructure of a country is a key to economic development, and gives people the means to access job opportunities, education, recreation, and medical facilities. However, issues of overcrowding of buses in peak hours,…
Introduction In Kenya, agriculture, inclusive of the subsectors of forestry and fishing, is an important sector of the economy that accounts for around 29% of the gross domestic product (GDP). Thirty-six (36%) per cent of the population lives below the…
Introduction: Magnitude and Scope of Gender Inequality in Ethiopia In Ethiopia, 80 percent of the population resides in rural areas and women provide most of the agricultural labour in these communities. However, their contributions often go largely unrecognized and their…
A new business-driven approach to women’s empowerment in the ready-made garment industry. On behalf of – German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Applicant – GIZ Bangladesh Gender Working Group Context As the biggest contributor to Bangladesh’s…
Promoting gender equality The Programme Support to the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is one of the main projects within the GIZ African Union portfolio, based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Our ever-growing team is supporting the African Union…
A larger part of the work that the Financing Sustainable Development (FSD) component of the Support to Local Governance Programme (LoGo) has been focused on during the last few months has been on aligning the businesses of women entrepreneurs in…
Cadre juridique et institutionnel de l’intégration du genre en Algérie Plusieurs stratégies, programmes et mécanismes ont été conçus en Algérie pour promouvoir l’égalité des sexes et favoriser l’autonomisation des femmes parmi lesquels nous citons la stratégie nationale pour l’intégration et…