The unequal treatment based on one persons sex, is a common and transversal phenomenon throughout the world, an injustice that we must fight for every day, particularly on International Women’s Day on which people all over the world have been…
Introduction and context Latin America and the Caribbean are abundant with natural resources and biodiversity. The extractive industries have been a lever for growth in the Andean countries, contributing considerably to their economic development. However, an inadequate management and governance…
“Gerade für Frauen ist es wichtig, Räume und Möglichkeiten zur Inspiration, zum Austausch und zur Kooperation zu schaffen”, sagt Dr. Simone Peter, Präsidentin des Bundesverbandes Erneuerbare Energien e.V. in Deutschland in einem Interview, “denn auch in der Energiebranche sind Frauen…
Conversatorio_final Desde Chile compartimos un ejemplo de buena practica: Seminario “Juntas Crecemos con Energía, mujeres liderando la innovación con Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética” Para difundir las posibilidades que las Energías Renovables y la Eficiencia Energética ofrecen a los emprendimientos…
Commemoration of International Women’s Day among all women in GIZ to reflect on the current state of social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women in Chile and around the world. Besides asking ourselves, what is the origin of this…
This Wednesday, March 7th, as part of the commemoration of Women’s Day, the Energy programme of the GIZ in Chile organizes a Focus Group linking female journalists from the Energy sector to learn about women’s inclusion in the sector, depending…
Instrucción de técnicas de defensa personal para hombres y mujeres: Supervivencia y estrategias de escape. Fecha por confirmar! Aprenderemos técnicas de pie y de suelo para poder controlar a oponentes más grandes y fuertes. No se requiere experiencia previa y no…
Gender equality is everyone´s responsibility. In order to provide high quality services and learn more about our projects in Chile we invite everyone who wants to participate to share their contribution to the following topics (up to 1 page). All…
Glosario CEPAL: Comisión Económica (de las Naciones Unidas) para América Latina y el Caribe SERNAM: Servicio Nacional de la Mujer (Ministerio de la mujer y equidad de género de Chile) MinMinería: Ministerio de Minería de Chile SEREMI: Secretaría Regional Ministerial…