Ramallah, West Bank/Palestine – “You should go and work in a store not as a taxi driver!” A young Palestinian man is taking a taxi in Ramallah´s city centre and cannot believe that a young woman is driving the taxi.…
Ramallah, West Bank/Palestine – “You should go and work in a store not as a taxi driver!” A young Palestinian man is taking a taxi in Ramallah´s city centre and cannot believe that a young woman is driving the taxi.…
Documentation de la Manifestation: Le mardi 08 mars 2016, dans le village de Véha, commune de Lokossa, au Bénin, a été célébrée la journée internationale de la femme. Dans le cadre du projet de Réserve de Biosphère Transfrontalière du Delta…
Event Documentation: In an open and casual atmosphere GIZ Vietnam staff was invited to catch up on recent gender debates in the development cooperation sector and to move on with their gender-sensitive programming. They also got the chance to win…
Documentation of the Event: Throughout the Gender Week GIZ staff members in Tunisia received daily mails asking them to observe, look for, analyse and reveal gender-related inequalities and phenomena in everyday life with a new Topic each day (questions: please see…
Event Documentation: Following the invitation by Petra Dachtler (Deputy Head of Mission of the German Embassy in Tunis) some 80 representatives of Tunisian civil society organisations, other embassies and UN agencies came to watch the BMZ movie on economic participation of…
Documentation of the Event: Am 08. März 2016 wurde vor Ort ein “Course pour la Solidarité Féminine” (weiblicher Solidaritätslauf) organisiert, an dem eine GIZ-Mannschaft teilgenommen hat. Darüber hinaus hat die Mannschaft unter dem GIZ Gender Motto “l’égalité, un atout pour tous” den Fotowettbewerb, der im Rahmen des Laufs stattgefunden…
Documentation of the Event: The GIZ Gender Focal Point Group in Ramallah performed a theater play “UM Mohammed shines”, celebrating International Women’s Day. Unexpected acting talents were revealed and due to the great cooperation among programs and staff everybody seemed…
Dokumentation der Veranstaltung: Während des Werkstattgesprächs wurden die Eindrücke und Ergebnisse der Prüfmission zu dem geplanten GG2-Vorhaben „Qualifizierung von Frauen im Agrar- und Ernährungssektor“ vorgestellt und anschließend gemeinsam mit dem Publikum diskutiert. Katrin Schneider, an der Prüfung beteiligte Gutachterin zum Gender…
The Women at Work report provides the latest ILO data on women’s position in labour markets, examines the factors behind these trends and explores the policy drivers for transformative change. Throughout their working lives, women continue to face significant obstacles…
Please access the concept note and program of the event here:
Anlässlich des Internationalen Frauentags am 8. März unterstrich die Staatsministerin im Auswärtigen Amt, Maria BÖHMER, ihren Einsatz für die Themen Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, Empowerment von Frauen und Menschenrechte von Frauen auf der internationalen Agenda. Die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter sei ein wichtiger Faktor…
Anlässlich des Weltfrauentages 2016 hat die Nichtregierungsorganisation ONE einen neuen Bericht mit dem Titel “Armut ist sexistisch” veröffentlicht. Armut und Geschlechterungleichheit gehen Hand in Hand. Im Jahr 2016 kann eine halbe Milliarde Frauen nicht lesen, 62 Millionen Mädchen gehen nicht zur Schule und in…
Special Edition GIZ Philippines and Pacific Newsflash (eNewsletter) When – released on 08 March 2016 Where – Philippines and the Pacific With – sent to all GIZ personnel; organized by gender working group What – This edition focuses on efforts…
When – Wednesday, March 30, 2016 12:00 PM-4:00 PM Where – GOM Conference Room, 9th Floor, PDCP Bank Centre, Makati City With – open invitation to GIZ Philippine personnel; organized by gender working group What – Film by internationally renowned…
Event Documentation: GIZ globally announced the Gender week 2016 between March 7-11, 2016 on the topic of gender equality and women’s empowerment. In accordance with this occasion, IMRI program organized an event of “Current gender equality issues in Mongolia” in…
When: March 12, 2016 Where: GMIT, Nalaikh, Mongolia With: Students and student candidates and parents (Christina Seidler, DAAD-Fachlektorin & Associate for Student and Intercultural Affairs; Munkhtsetseg, Bachelor student) What: Information about gender distribution in engineering, chances and challenges for women…
When: 8th of March Where: Tanzania What: To raise awareness about the celebration of International Women’s Day, GIZ employees in Tanzania were requested to dress in purple, the colour of that special day. Many colleagues followed this request as you…
Die Road Map des Entwicklungspolitischen Aktionsplan zur Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter 2016-2020 des BMZ ist nun online und unter diesem Link verfügbar: http://www.bmz.de/de/mediathek/publikationen/reihen/strategiepapiere/Strategiepapier365_2016.pdf
When? Thursday, 10. March 2016, 9.00-11.00am Where? GIZ Ghana Conference Room, Accra With? Kwaku Obeng Programme: – Breakfast – Presentation of the E4D Project “Female Professionals in Electronics” which won the 3rd price GIZ in the GIZ Gender Contest 2016…
La GIZ Bolivia celebrará El Día internacional de las mujeres a través de un documental-debate sobre el tema ¿Existe el techo de cristal en Bolivia? El 7 de marzo en la Agencia (Sala 1)- de las 18.00 a las 19.30…
Documentation de la manifestation: SEWoH : « La parité en 2030 : avancer plus vite vers l’égalité des sexes! » Cotonou, salle de réunion ProCIVA La journée du 8 mars 2016, a été célébrée avec la participation des femmes du bureau de…
When: March 8, 11h-12h Where: GIZ Mauritania With: Female national staff GIZ What: Getting to know how female colleagues perceive the impact of gender on their daily work experience
Documentation of the Event: IFMSA & New Imprint Foundation Training (GIZ Egypt) – 24 university students from 10 Egyptian governorates have successfully participated in a three-day intensive training programme on campaigning to combat sexual harassment. The training programme included presentations…
When: 11 – 12 March .2016 Where: Swiss Club, Imbaba, Cairo, Egypt With: Imprint Movement What: WenDo self-defence workshop An additional workshop targeting female volunteers and team members from the New Imprint Foundation, a Cairo based NGO is organized. New…
Documentation of the event: WenDo Workshop (GIZ Egypt) – 12 female colleagues from GIZ Egypt participated in a basic WenDo training workshop organized in the framework of the GIZ Gender Week 2016. WenDo is a holistic self-defence approach that teaches participants…
When: Thursday, 10.03.2016, 15:00 – 15:45 hrs Where: Eschborn, house 2, ED32078 Who: Dorina Derwanz, Gender Group, GIZ Yemen What: Gender in your coffee break – Short Film & Discussion “Women in leadership positions in Yemen” – A video project…
Dokumentation der Veranstaltung: Die Präsentationen zur Veranstaltung können hier heruntergeladen werden: ———————————————————— Wann: 08. März 2016, 10:00 – 12:30 Uhr Wo: Eschborn Was: Im Rahmen des Workshops möchten wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen das Thema Gender in Akquise und…
Event Documentation: “Gender equality starts at home! – that is one of the five strategic elements in the framework of the GIZ Gender Strategy. Gender equality within the company – what does it mean to us? On International Women’s Day,…
Celebrate International Women’s Day with a special performance dedicated to celebrate femininity, diversity, relationships and love: Booking Show of: The Nepali adaption of “The Vagina Monologues 2016 – योनिकाकथाहरु” When: Tuesday, 08.03.2015, 4.30-6.00 pm Nepali time Where: Rato Bangalar School in…
Documentation de la manifestation: L’activité a permis d’échanger à l’interne du programme par rapport à l’un des trois objectifs genre 2016 de la GIZ Benin et objectif 4 de la « Stratégie de mise en œuvre « Genre » du département…
When: March 8th Where: Kenyatta International Convention Center With: The Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs This event is held to commemorate the international women’s day, in attendance will be, H.E the First Lady Margret Kenyatta, Director the…
When: March 6th Where: Kenya; Nyayo Stadium With: The first lady of Kenya What: Marathon seeks to raise funds to increase access to better health so as to improve the health of mothers and children. Organized and coordinated by the…
Event Documentation: Around 50 GIZ staff watched the Tunisian movie “Narcisse” followed by a debate with director Sonia Chamkhi and several actors. The movie tells the story of Hind, a 30-year-old actress, who has the lead role in a play…
Documentation of the Event: Framed by a thought-provoking and informative input by Salwa Kennou, president of the NGO AFTURD and expert on participation of women in (local) politics, around 15 GIZ staff met with several participants in the project “La…
Documentation de la manifestation: « Genre » en tant que thème transversal et l’égalité entre les sexes comme modèle sont partout, aussi là où à première vue on ne le dirait pas. A travers de courtes vidéos les programmes ont…
In 2015, for the first time the Gender Working Group Indonesia, Timor-Leste and ASEAN has conducted the biannual contest Communicating Gender. The objectives of this initiative are to reward outstanding commitments in the promotion of gender equality, to encourage knowledge…
Dokumentation der Veranstaltung: Im Rahmen der GIZ-Genderwoche 2016 fand am Weltfrauentag, dem 8. März, das Entwicklungspolitische Kamingespräch mit dem Schwerpunkt „Gender: Wie setze ich die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter in meiner Arbeit um?“ statt. Im Bildungszentrum der Akademie für Internationale Zusammenarbeit…
Events in Maputo, Mozambique Capital: GIZ’ efforts for gender equality will be celebrated on Thursday, 10 of March in Mozambique’s capital Maputo. During the afternoon, GIZ colleagues will meet in the CaféKULTUR, a small familiar restaurant linked with the Mozambican-German…
When: 6 march, 14-16.00h Where: Algiers Office of GIZ Algeria With: Retired Judge and Assistant Professor at the Algerian School of Magistrates What: Presentation of a new Algerian law incriminating violence against women for the first time in history
Gender Activity in N’Djamena, Tchad When: Wednesday, 16th March 2016, 9-11h Where: N’Djamena With: A Gender Focal Point from Cameroon will lead the workshop. (tbd) What: An interactive workshop on “Gender” as a sociological concept and its importance for the…
Documentation de la manifestation: La 9ème édition de la série d’évènements «Semaine Genre» de la coopération allemande s’est déroulée du 2 au 4 mars 2016. La coopération allemande – à travers la Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung, le Goethe-Institut, la KfW, le DAAD…
Report of the Event: “Pledge for Parity” was the theme of the 7th annual gender event organized by the GIZ in Indonesia. The event took place in the Cemara 6 Galeri-Museum on 2 March 2016. In honour of this occasion…
When: 8 March 2016 Where: Kigali, Rwanda With: all colleagues of GIZ Rwanda and colleagues of GIZ Burundi currently residing in Kigali What: The event „Five Questions to Gender Equality“ creates space for reflection, discussion and exchange of ideas on…
The World Bank Group has just launched a new gender data portal that brings together sex-disaggregated and gender-relevant data on topics ranging from education, demographics, and health, to jobs, asset ownership, and political participation. The country and…
When: 8.3. 15:30-17:30 (reception); exhibition until the beginning of August Where: GIZ Office Kinshasa With: All GIZ employees, German embassy, KfW, political foundations, Goethe Institute What: A la journée mondiale de la femme, il y aura une réception à l’occasion…
Renforcement de l’institutionnalisation de la Politique Nationale Genre (PNG) au secteur de de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement au Mali When: 08/03/2016 Where: Ministère de l’Environnement, de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement, Bamako, Mali With: Coalition Nationale de la Campagne Internationale de…
Documentation of the Event: Von einem auf den anderen Moment kann sich das Leben grundlegend ändern. Mit diesem Satz beginnt der neue Roman “Mondhitze” der nicaraguanischen Schriftstellerin Gioconda Belli. Aus Sicht der Autorin trifft dieser Satz gerade für Deutschland zurzeit…
Event Documentation: Del 16 al 17 de marzo, en el espacio exclusivamente previsto para hombres pudieron profundizar su conocimiento sobre su propia masculinidad y sobre los tipos de masculinidades que existen para prevenir la violencia contra las mujeres. Galería de…
Event Documentation: La GIZ está en un proceso de certificarse como empresa libre de violencia contra las mujeres por medio de la certificación online “Empresa Segura“. En el evento de medio término de esta certificación, se premiaron con camisetas, libros,…
Event Documentation: El 3 y el 4 de marzo, voluntarios/as de todas las edades ofrecieron su motivación para capacitarse como co-facilitadores/as de la Ruta Participativa, una metodología de prevención primaria de la violencia contra las mujeres para niños/as primordialmente entre…
Documentation of the Event: The session presented the findings from two recent studies of the Sector Project Private Sector Development: 1. The results of an in-depth case study involving seven development interventions implemented in eight countries that have been analysed…
Event Documentation: Content and Background: Ambition, competence, determination and resourcefulness do not come with gender labels. Women enter India’s workforce in large numbers, and deliver valuable contribution to the gross national domestic product. However, despite India’s admirable record of economic…
The World Bank Group has released its new Gender Strategy for the years 2016 – 2023 “Gender Equality, Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth” By many measures, 2015 marks a watershed year in the international communitys efforts to advance gender equality.…
Autores: E. Isabel Corrales-Ferrayola y Rubén Araujo Monroy Para entender la realidad en la estamos inmersos cotidianamente, es necesario detenerse a reflexionar sobre los paradigmas y patrones conductuales actuales. Los mecanismos que generan desigualdad permanecen ocultos, no nos percatamos de…
CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Women’s land rights in the Kingdom of Tonga are recognised to be very restrictive and land ownership is denied to all women. Tongan men enjoy proprietorial rights to a town allotment (for residence) and a tax or…
LES POINTS FOCAUX GENRE COMMUNAUX AU NIGER: Moteurs de changement au niveau local Pays sahélien, le Niger couvre une superficie de 1 267 000 km2 avec une population estimée à 17 129 076 habitants, une densité moyenne de 13 habitants…
GIZ Gender Competition 2016 GIZ Sri Lanka: Vocational Training in North & East of Sri Lanka Introduction In collaboration with the Government of Sri Lanka and the Federal Republic of Germany, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, in…
Women Build Caucasus“ im südkaukasischen Kontext „Women Build Caucasus“ ist ein Netzwerk von Architektinnen und Designerinnen im Südkaukasus. Ziel des Netzwerks ist die Vernetzung der Frauen, um eine gegenseitige Unterstützung zu befördern und ein Bewusstsein für ihr Arbeiten und Wirken,…
Context and Initiative Energy is a crucial component to nearly all challenges and opportunities facing the world today, including the fight against climate change and the enabling of important rights, such as education, health and work. But energy is not…
Biodiversity and Adaptation of Key Forest Ecosystems to Climate Change II Programme “Promotion of the gender equality in the forestry sector of Mongolia” INTRODUCTION Nomadic Mongolians’ livelihood patterns, their traditions and values, basic economy including labor division of men and…
UNION DES COOPERATIVES DES FEMMES DE L’ARGANERAIE TISSALIWINE Participation au concours au concours genre avec la présentation d’une Succes Story d’un projet de femmes appuyé par la GIZ depuis plus d’une décennie : L’UCFA est le fruit du Projet Conservation…
GIZ Zimbabwe –Urban Water and Sanitation Programme –Submission to the Gender Week competition 2016 Addressing gender specific needs vs creating space and opportunity to challenge gender roles and promote gender equality Stephan Lidsba, AV UWSP; Rahel Hermann, Advisor UWSP; Leon…
GIZ Water Program Palestine Prepared by: Fatima Radaydeh, Qasem Saleh, Sabrina Johanniemann, Dr. Thomas Riekel 1 | Promoting Gender Equality The importance of involving women and men in provision, management, and safeguarding of water is recognized globally. Therefore the GIZ…
Contexte de la mesure En Tunisie, les femmes assument une part très importante des tâches dans l’agriculture, l’élevage ainsi que dans la transformation des produits agricoles, en dépit de cela, elles restent désavantagées par rapport aux hommes notamment en ce…
The competition entry ”Female Preachers as Water Ambassadors – Mainstreaming Gender in the Cooperation with Religious Authorities” from GIZ Jordan can be downloaded here:
Overview Cocoa is one of the main agricultural products and exports of Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Togo and Cameroon. More than three million smallholdings produce 70% of world cocoa supply. Additional agricultural income is derived mainly from food production. The…
Por qué transversalizar género en la gestión del agua? Ningún recurso ha puesto de manifiesto la relevancia de la transversalización de género como el agua. El rol protagónico de la mujer en la provisión, gestión y protección del agua es…
Projet H’lib Dzair Ensemble pour renforcer et professionnaliser le métier de l’élevage en Algérie Background du projet Avant de présenter l’apport du projet H’lib Dzair dans le cadre de l’égalité des chances entre les femmes et les hommes, nous avons…
Gender Analysis for GIZ Programme Mineral Resources for Development Guzal Abdirazakova. GIZ-MRD. 2014 Objectives The following gender analysis aims to inform the internal GIZ mission about the current situation of gender equality in Kyrgyz Republic. It includes up to date…
ENERGISING DEVELOPMENT KENYA COUNTRY PROGRAMME BY JULIA MAKOKHA AND ANNA INGWE Energising Development (EnDev) is an energy access partnership currently financed by six donor countries – the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Australia, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für…
L’accès aux énergies renouvelables : une opportunité pour l’autonomisation économique des femmes rurales Le Sénégal a fait de grandes avancées dans la prise en compte du genre dans les différents secteurs du développement, mais un long chemin reste encore à…
Developing and Implementing Gender Responsive Climate Strategies Prepared by: PAKLIM Working Area 1 Gender Working Group (Moh. Nurhadi, Ratna Budiarti, Fitria Aurora Feliciani) A. Overview of PAKLIM Indonesia is among the world’s large emitters of greenhouse gases. The consumption of…
Does Green Mobility Mean for Climate and Gender? Prepared by: PAKLIM Working Area 1 Gender Working Group (Moh. Nurhadi, Ratna Budiarti, Fitria Aurora Feliciani) 1. Promoting Gender Equality Greenhouse gases (GHG) from transportation covers 18.2% of GHG from energy sector…
GIZ Gender Competition 2016 Project “Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova” Intervention area “Local Public Services” I. Context The European Union refers to gender mainstreaming as the ‘integration of equal opportunities’ in all policy actions, including…
GIZ Gender Competition 2016 Project “Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova” Intervention area “Regional planning and Programming” Why is mainstreaming gender important in infrastructure projects? Despite the adoption of the legal and regulatory framework with regard…
Walking the talk in Yemen The Gender Focal Points Group in Yemen – A living example for taking gender action under Business Continuity Management The GIZ Yemen Gender Focal Points Group “walks the talk”: For more than 2 years of…
“The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence.” 1. Promoting gender equality The objective is to improve the communication and cooperation between men and women in…
Engagement du Programme du maintien de la Biodiversité et de la gestion Durable des Forêts (PBF en sigle) en faveur de l’égalité entre les sexes dans la province du Maniema, en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) 1. Contexte ; La…
According to the DFID Country Gender Report 2012, Nigeria has one of the lowest rates of female entrepreneurship in sub-Saharan Africa. As micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are an important source of employment and income, especially in rural areas,…
Context and Initiative Gender equality means that all genders enjoy equal resources or benefits, or equal access to and use of services – this also applies to healthcare. However, gender-related barriers to health undermine the right to health for all.…
Eu égard au rôle prépondérant des femmes dans la tâche quotidienne d’approvisionnement des ménages en eau potable, mais, presque pas impliquées dans le processus décisionnel sur les questions relatives à l’eau, le Programme d’Appui à la Décentralisation et au Développement…
Gender Mainstreaming im grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement in der SADC Region Hintergrund Das Management von Wasserressourcen in einer der wasserärmsten Regionen Afrikas ist noch immer vorrangig eine Männerdomäne. Allerdings gibt es große Unterschiede zwischen Frauen und Männern in der Art der Nutzung…
Country Context: Gender Equality in Egypt From a global and comparative perspective, Egypt does not fare well in regards to gender equality: In the 2014 Human Development Report’s Gender Equality Index, which measures gender disparity in the realm of empowerment…
Breve descripción del Programa FACILIDAD El objetivo del Programa FACILIDAD es mejorar la competitividad de las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (MIPYME), así como las posibilidades de empleo en sectores seleccionados de Centroamérica, con énfasis en mujeres y en personas…
Le projet foncier de GIZ Burundi : pour l’égalité des genres et la gouvernance foncière Natacha Kashirahamwe est la première femme à prendre le volant des véhicules de la GIZ Burundi, au sein du Projet foncier. Sereine, souriante, elle ne…
The competition entry ”Reaching the population with information on gender-based violence ” from GIZ Zambia can be downloaded here:
1. Promotion de l’égalité entre les sexes • Contexte : Le Grand Sud, une région où les femmes sont marginalisées Le « Grand Sud » de Madagascar, notamment les régions Androy, Anosy et Atsimo Atsinanana, est la zone…
The competition entry ”Gender Commitment of the Small Ruminant Value Chain” from GIZ Sierra Leone can be downloaded here:
By Victor Ndyabagye & Joseph Oketcho Omalla, GIZ Uganda “Wherever women are deprived of their rights and freedoms, wherever they are humiliated and abused, development is invariably limited,” Angela Merkel, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, at global leaders’ meeting on gender…
CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE In Bangladesh the majority of the population has little access to justice. The criminal justice system is chronically underfinanced and offers limited legal aid, particularly to vulnerable groups. 70% of prisoners are under trial. Prisons are overcrowded…
CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE According to a national survey commissioned by the UN and DFAT, 32 percent of ever-partnered Cambodian women aged 15-64 experience emotional abuse by an intimate partner in their lifetime; while 21 percent face physical and/or sexual violence.…
1. Efforts to promote Gender equality GIZ is a longstanding partner of the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South East Europe (NALAS) and supports the network in achieving its strategic objectives. Since 2010, GIZ provides institutional support to…
Background With the aim of promoting “Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment” GIZ Nepal moved forward with a strong belief that change begins at home. Accordingly, immediately after the establishment of the Gender Quality Circle (GQC), it focused on gender equality…
1. Promotion de l’égalité entre les sexes Contexte A Madagascar, les femmes subissent les effets des pesanteurs socioculturelles et des préjugés sexistes qui entravent le plus souvent leur contribution au développement, elles sont les premières victimes des crises et des…
Financé par la DDC (Direction de Développement et de la Coopération Suisse) et mis en oeuvre par la GIZ- International Services, il a pour objectif global d’améliorer la sécurité ali-mentaire des populations vivant autour des périmètres des seuils et d’inverser…
GIZ – Concours genre 2016 Expérience de Mlle Nakoulma 1ère femme chauffeur de la Coopération Allemande au Burkina !!! En réponse à l’appel de la Chancelière Allemande, Angela Merkel, lors de son discours à la réunion des dirigeantes et dirigeants…
STRIVING TOWARDS GENDER EQUALITY & SOCIAL INCLUSION INCLUDE stands for the Inclusive Development of the Economy Programme in Nepal. It contributes to a socially balanced economic growth, by reaching out to poor and ultra-poor inhabitants, who are or could be…
¿Qué es el Programa Chiribiquete? Colombia hace parte de los cinco países con mayor biodiversidad a nivel mundial, considerándosele por esto como “megadiversa”. Gran parte de esta biodiversidad está ubicada en la Amazonía Colombiana, la cual es amenazada por la…
Soy Saúl George Robles y trabajo en la GIZ México, particularmente en el Programa Selva Maya, como Asistente de Comunicación y Administración; formo parte del equipo GIZ desde el 5 de octubre de 2015. Cuando nos enteramos de la presente…