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Dialoge zu Empowerment am Weltfrauentag: Wie können Migrantinnen und geflüchtete Frauen in der Türkei und Deutschland besser gestärkt werden?

Geflüchtete Frauen und Migrantinnen bergen enormes Potenzial für aufnehmende Gemeinden – in der Türkei wie auch in Deutschland. Das ist das zentrale Thema der Konferenz “Unlocking Migrant Women’s Potential: International Perspectives“, die anlässlich des internationalen Frauentages heute in Ankara stattfindet.

Posted in Gender Week Blog, Year 2019 Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Are gender projects working in a niche? Up-scaling of a gender approach in forestry in Indonesia

Specific women empowerment approaches don’t need to be a niche but can successfully be implemented in other sectors. The video illustrates the spirit of forestry officials in Indonesia taking part in a Community Dialogue facilitators training. The Community Dialogue approach

Posted in Gender Week Blog, Year 2015 Tagged with:

Promoting Financial Inclusion of Women in MENA

In the Middle East and North Africa region, only 13% of women have an account at a financial institution (World Bank Global Findex). The microfinance network of Arab countries, Sanabel, and the GIZ MFMR programme launched an award that encouraged

Posted in Gender Week Blog, Year 2015 Tagged with: ,

First of its Kind: Women Empowerment & Protection Policy for FATA (Pakistan)

Women living in FATA are facing multiple forms of discrimination in their daily lives and are often victims of the ongoing armed conflict. The area of FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) is directly at the borderline to Afghanistan and belongs

Posted in Gender Week Blog, Year 2015 Tagged with: ,

Egypt – empowering young women and sensitizing young men on sexual harassment through art

Egypt – Get an insight to the activities organized by the project “Civic Engagement and Political Participation”: they trained trainers on civic engagement and at the same time focused on empowering young women through WenDo and sensitizing young men on

Posted in Gender Week Blog, Year 2015 Tagged with: ,