As part of its gender strategy aiming to boost parity within its teams, GIZ Côte d’Ivoire held a Girls and Career Day on 29 March 2019. Eighty (80) female pupils and students, as well as guidance counsellors and Ivorian Ministry…
As part of its gender strategy aiming to boost parity within its teams, GIZ Côte d’Ivoire held a Girls and Career Day on 29 March 2019. Eighty (80) female pupils and students, as well as guidance counsellors and Ivorian Ministry…
Dans le cadre du partenariat établi autour de l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de la feuille de route pour l’engagement avec la société civile en Mauritanie, l’UE et les Etats membres participants (l’Allemagne, l’Espagne et la France) organisent…
En sintonía con el lema de la estrategia actualizada de género y recientemente difundida “Género recargado: La visión necesita actitud y la actitud se encuentra con la acción”, se realizará una charla de sensibilización en temas de género, especialmente para las…
Our first two events 2019 Speed Coaching – Female Finance “Language and Salary Negotiation” and the keynote event “Womanomics” took place in Eschborn with a sensational success! The registrations for our offered Speed Coaching – Female Finance “Language and Salary…
Commemoration of International Women’s Day among all women in GIZ to reflect on the current state of social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women in Chile and around the world. Besides asking ourselves, what is the origin of this…
Girls2Leaders (Communication sur le leadership féminin suivi d’un slam des 24 stagiaires intègres de la Ministère de Finances et Ministère de Plan et de Développement (MEF/MPD/INSAE) sur leur expérience comme femme en profession Une activité du projet “Appui-Conseil Macroeconomique pour…
Leadership féminin et Promotion des Objectifs du Développement Durable en Afrique Francophone : Colloque en coopération avec la Délégation de l’Union Européenne à l’université Abomey-Calavi
Gender Equality Awareness Raising Event at TVET school in Tripoli, North Lebanon In the frame of International Women’s Day 2019, an awareness raising event on gender equity and equality took place at Al Saade Technical Institute, a public TVET school…
The Gender Working Group organized a breakfast meeting to commemorate the Gender Week and International Women’s Day by inviting staff members to discuss about being a professional woman in GIZ Zambia. To listen to women’s experiences, they had the opportunity…
The High Commissioner of Water and Forest and Combating Desertification, Dr. Abdeladim Lhafi, will open the celebration. Afterwards, the word is given to six young and experienced women working in the forest sector: Some of them at the beginning of…
Successful female lawyers are being invited to an informal get together to discuss on how to promote female lawyers. The meeting will be a gathering of prominent females who are active in practicing law in their country. During the meeting…
Successful female lawyers are being invited to an informal get together to discuss on how to promote female lawyers. The meeting will be a gathering of prominent females who are active in practicing law in their country. During the meeting…
Successful female lawyers are being invited to an informal get together to discuss on how to promote female lawyers. The meeting will be a gathering of prominent females who are active in practicing law in their country. During the meeting…
Successful female lawyers are being invited to an informal get together to discuss on how to promote female lawyers. The meeting will be a gathering of prominent females who are active in practicing law in their country. During the meeting…
Successful female lawyers are being invited to an informal get together to discuss on how to promote female lawyers. The meeting will be a gathering of prominent females who are active in practicing law in their country. During the meeting…
Successful female lawyers are being invited to an informal get together to discuss on how to promote female lawyers. The meeting will be a gathering of prominent females who are active in practicing law in their country. During the meeting…