The German Development Cooperation project “Support to Social Inclusion in Serbia (GIZ SIP)” has supported the Ministry of Human, Minority Rights and Social Dialogue (MHMRSD) to conduct the campaign for improvement of gender equality in Serbia. The aim of the…
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10_Deutsch_GM_EZM_Konferenz Queere EZ
The online info session will be organised on the occasion of the International Women`s Day on 08.03.2023 (14.00h-15.15h CET) with the topics: Reason for celebrating International Women’s Day (historical perspective) Feminist movement in Serbia Where are do we stand today…
8 March | publication |
An article about a female entrepreneur overcoming intersectional discriminations was published in a magazine and online.
Am Weltfrauentag beginnt der Monat des Aktivismus der Roma-Frauen Die Roma-Frauen bauen Vorurteile ab Im Rahmen der traditionellen Maßnahme „Der Monat des Aktivismus der Roma-Frauen“ startet das Roma-Frauennetzwerk am 8. März 2020 folgende Kampagne „Kinderheirat ist kein Teil der Roma–Kultur…
Looking at Public Policy Through a Gender Lens Context and Initiative In 2016, Serbia’s Statistical Office introduced the EU Index of Gender Equality as the first country outside of the EU to collect these data. The gender equality index for…
Photo credits Jutta Benzenberg, Copyright GIZ EMPOWERING WOMEN THROUGH ACCESS TO LAND OPEN REGIONAL FUND FOR SOUTH EAST EUROPE – LEGAL REFORM CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Although it is widely recognized that equality in land ownership rights has a positive impact…
Promoting a more inclusive gender approach Advocating respect for human rights, equal opportunities and integrity are core values of GIZ. The GIZ Rainbow Network is actively pursuing to make this a lived reality by promoting structural embodiment of lesbian, gay,…
GIZ Serbia organized a Gender World Café 2015 in co-operation with the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit of the Republic of Serbia (SIPRU). Current and future needs to improve emerging gender issues in Serbia have been discussed. The participants…
Successful female lawyers are being invited to an informal get together to discuss on how to promote female lawyers. The meeting will be a gathering of prominent females who are active in practicing law in their country. During the meeting…