06 March 2020, Friday
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Participación socio política con equidad en Guatemala

Participantes: Colaboradores y colaboradoras de la GIZ Guatemala, personal nacional y expertos CIM de los proyectos y programas. Panelistas invitadas: Diputada al Congreso de la República-Andrea Villagrán y Dra. Ana Silvia Monzón -Docente de Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

North Macedonia: GIZ Gender Week

Please find the report of the GIZ Gender Week 2020 in North Macedonia here: GIZ Country Office Report on Gender Week Events 2020 – North Macedonia

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Ghana: Video Screening ATVET for Women

On occasion of the GIZ Gender Week 2020, the GIZ South Africa and GIZ African Union in South Africa offices hosted an interactive session on ‘Gender Equality and Empowerment is my Culture: From Attitude to Action’. As part of this,

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Estrategia de género. Avances y desafíos

Jornada “Estrategia de Género. Avances y desafíos” En la GIZ Paraguay celebraremos el Día Internacional de la Mujer con una jornada de trabajo para analizar nuestras acciones en el marco de la Estrategia de Género 2019 y mejorar nuestra comunicación

Month of Roma Women Activism “Roma Women who removes prejudices”

 Am Weltfrauentag beginnt der Monat des Aktivismus der Roma-Frauen Die Roma-Frauen bauen Vorurteile ab Im Rahmen der traditionellen Maßnahme „Der Monat des Aktivismus der Roma-Frauen“ startet das Roma-Frauennetzwerk am 8. März 2020 folgende Kampagne „Kinderheirat ist kein Teil der Roma–Kultur

Taller Interno “¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de Violencia contra las Mujeres?”

En la GIZ Bolivia le decimos ¡NO a la violencia contra las mujeres! El Director Residente, el Grupo de Trabajo en Temas Transversales (GTT) y el SFF Prevención, invitamos a  colaboradoras, colaboradores de la GIZ, consultoras y consultores AKUT / IP

Lady`s Breakfast – GIZ NA celebrates International Women’s day

Panel Discussion on “Zebra style politics and women’s rights – How has this approach contributed towards curbing cultural barriers to gender equality?” Complementing the GIZ Gender Week 2020, GIZ Namibia organised a Panel Discussion where a group of four experts

Regional Commemoration of International Women’s Day 2020

EAC Main Hall, Arusha, Tanzania Please find more information in the flyer

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Roundtable on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment

Organizing Roundtable on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment with Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy The objectie of the event is to open a discussion with the lead Governmental representatives and governmental body in charge

Women in Mining Photo Exhibition

During March we will host a photo exhibition in Bonn (in front of the Mäanderkantine) showing different women working in artisanal and small-scale Mining in Westafrica. Learn about how the mining sector affects women and girls differently than men and

Sharing space: Gender in GIZ Lebanon’s project world

The highlight of the week will be a small conference (rather gathering style with some snacks) where some the project participants/beneficiaries will be invited to talk about their experiences. It will be a great opportunity for first-hand insights into the

What does it mean to be a man and a feminist?

What does it mean to be a man and a feminist? Many male colleagues wonder which role they can take on when it comes to the promotion of gender equality. Discussions on gender equality are mostly dominated by women. But

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