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Iniciativa de Género y Diversidad para el Desarrollo Sostenible en América Latina y el Caribe


Professionals of the Future Project: Competences for Green Economy

Promoting gender mainstreaming in government partners

Pioneering Gender Inclusive Urban Development
Application for the GIZ Gender Awards: C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF)

Grant Agreement der GIZ Brasilien mit der University of Manchester für den Amazonienfonds der brasilianischen Entwicklungsbank BNDES


Gender, Diversity and Human Rights in the Energy and Urban Transformation Cluster (GIZ Brazil)

COPOLAD III: Web-based training and Practical Guide on Gender
and Alternative Development

Gender Inclusivity Drive – GIZ Brazil 2024

The urban transformation is female!

Café Temático: Justiça Climática – o que é e por que precisamos dela?

Você já ouviu falar de Justiça Climática? O fato que as mudanças climáticas afetam diferentes grupos de forma distinta já é um conhecimento comum, falando-se muito em “vulnerabilidades”. Embora o reconhecimento de que as consequências impactam a população de forma

Justiça Climática – o que é e por que precisamos dela?

Você já ouviu falar de Justiça Climática? O fato que as mudanças climáticas afetam diferentes grupos de forma distinta já é um conhecimento comum, falando-se muito em “vulnerabilidades”. Embora o reconhecimento de que as consequências impactam a população de forma

One swallow doesn´t make a summer:
A Success history of women network in the Solar
Energy in Brazil

Inclusive and Non-sexist Language (LINS) in Brazil

Activities of the Gender and Human Rights Working Group of GIZ Brazil


GENDER WORKING GROUP OF BRAZIL: INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL MAINSTREAMING Gender Competition 2020 – Gender Mainstreaming – 3rd Place CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE In Brazil, gender-based inequalities permeate the economic, educational, political, health, safety and work spheres. They are historical and structural

Brazil: Development of a GIZ Brazil Policy Against Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

  Intro The development of internal guidelines for GIZ Brazil office to combat sexual harassment and gender discrimination in the workplace brought up innovative actions to the national office context. A specific external ombudsman for these types of cases was

Brazil: Gender Working Group

GIZ Brazil’s gender working group (WG gender) has been improving and expanding its activities with the objective of transforming the organizational culture of GIZ on gender equity and respect for diversity. As Brazil is increasingly distant from achieving gender goals,

Brazil: Intersectionality and inclusive non-sexist language: Gender Working Group and SFF Human Rights

Gender mainstreaming within the company Introduction – Social and political scenario Despite the constitutionally guaranteed rights and ratified international obligations regarding human rights and gender equity, Brazil continues to face cultural and political barriers that are structurally patriarchal, sexist and

Semana de Gênero, GIZ no Brasil / Gender-week GIZ Brazil

Entre 11 e 15 de março, o Grupo de Trabalho (GT) Gênero da GIZ proporcionou um período de muito aprendizado para todos/as nós. Foi uma semana linda na qual se homenageou e se relembrou, de diferentes formas, a luta por

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Brazil: Unterstützung brasilianischer Unternehmen bei der Einführung und Umsetzung eines Diversity-Managements

I. Förderung der Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter In dem vorliegenden Beitrag wird der bereits erfolgreich angestoßene Prozess beschrieben, den die Auslandshandelskammer (AHK) São Paulo und die GIZ Brasilien zur Förderung des Diversity Managements bei brasilianischen Unternehmen angestoßen haben. Die Idee für

Café temático: Gênero

In this event we will discuss  achievements and challenges of Gender mainstreaming with GIZ Brasil staff, as well as with guests from USAID and UN Women.

Brazil: Test Entry

Test Entry