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Celebration de la Journée de la femme 2019 – GIZ, Fondation Hanns Seidel, KfW

LA GIZ en RD Congo célèbre la Journée Internationale de la Femme 2019 en collaboration avec la KfW et la Fondation Hanns Seidel. Cette journée d’échanges et de réflexion s’inscrit dans le cadre de la promotion du dialogue entre collègues (hommes-femmes) afin

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Round table “Mauritanian Working Women”

  Dans le cadre du partenariat établi autour de l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de la feuille de route pour l’engagement avec la société civile en Mauritanie, l’UE et les Etats membres participants (l’Allemagne, l’Espagne et la France) organisent

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Commemoration of International Women’s Day Café + Talk

Commemoration of International Women’s Day among all women in GIZ to reflect on the current state of social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women in Chile and around the world. Besides asking ourselves, what is the origin of this

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Journée internationale des droits des femmes.

 GIZ Algeria organized on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 workshops on the theme of gender. The sessions were led by Ms. Aicha Zinai, gender expert and member of the National Council of Human Rights ; as well as and by the

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Au service de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle

“Femme et entrepreneuriat vert au service de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle au Bénin » Organisation d’une causerie débat autour de ce thème. Cette causerie-débat aura pour support un petit documentaire sur les femmes qui produisent, distribuent et utilisent le composte au

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Femme entrepreneuse épanouie = équilibre du ménage

« Femme entrepreneuse épanouie = équilibre du ménage. Quelle contribution à la conservation de la nature et à  Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle ?» formation pratique : valorisation du fromage du soja pour améliorer le revenu et la nutrition du ménage (les

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Forum Table Discussion: Economic independence: testimonies from women entrepreneurs

Organisation of Forum Table discussion on Economic independence: testimonies from women entrepreneurs. Place: Municipality of Canton Muisne, Date: March 8 Time: 9h00 – 13h30 Organisers: Peace and Development and the Coalition for Gender Equality of Canton Muisne and ProCamBio II,

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GIZ Kosovo speaks #BalanceforBetter

“GIZ Kosovo marks gender week with lively debates and reflection of its own gender perceptions” Like previous years, the GIZ Kosovo Gender Group marked the Gender Week with two interesting events – this year with a special emphasis on reflection

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Género recargado: difusión de la nueva Estrategia de Género de la GIZ

(ES) Desde el 11 hasta el 29 de marzo, la GFP de la GIZ Bolivia y Paraguay, se reunirá con AV y colaboradores de los programas y proyectos, y de la Agencia para presentar la nueva estrategia de género de

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Café Dialogue

Café Dialogue “The feminists of GIZ Ecuador: Who Are They?” As part of this year´s Gender Week events, GIZ Ecuador held a Café Dialogue “The Feminists of GIZ Ecuador: Who Are They?” on 7 March. The informal discussion sought to

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Apertura de temporada de Género e Igualdad de la GIZ Paraguay “¡No nos quedemos quietas ni quietos!” Marzo 2019 a Marzo 2020

Recargarnos de género en la Apertura de temporada de Género e Igualdad de la GIZ Paraguay. ¡No nos quedemos quietas ni quietos !. Jornada de reflexión, debate y proposición sobre los desafíos que nos presenta la nueva Estrategia de Género

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Brown Bag Lunch “Le genre, ça me concerne ?”

GIZ Mali Invitation Brown Bag Lunch Gender 06-03-2019 We, the gender focal points GIZ Mali, will host a Brown Bag Lunch for interested colleagues to discuss the basic notion of gender by using interactive methods!

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GIZ India Gender Meet: Gender Reloaded

GIZ INDIA GENDER DAY 2019 SYNOPSIS REPORT FOR GIZ GENDER MEET: GENDER RELOADED 7th March, GIZ Office, New Delhi, India GIZ India organized a Gender Meet: Gender Reloaded’ on Thursday, 7th March, 2019 to take into cognizance the new reloaded

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Geld. Macht. Unabhängig. Money, Power, Independence.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019 6:30 PM Schwarzkopf Stiftung Sophienstraße 28-29, 10178 Berlin, Mitte, Deutschland–1 Equal pay for equal work? Gender equality is claimed to be one of the EU’s founding values, written since 1957 in the Treaty of Rome.

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Dinner and a TED Talk: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s ‘We should all be feminists’

‘Dinner and a TED Talk’ at GIZ Uganda as part of Gender Week 2019            Link: Invitation TED Talk On Wednesday, 6th of March 2019, we will have a get together after work. The evening, that will kick off with

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Equal opportunities for all? Open workshop: „Gender equality in GIZ“

                When? Thursday, March 7, 2019, 10:00 -11:30                Where? GIZ Bonn, Mäanderbau Donau Hall Who? Equal Opportunity Commissioner, Bonn and all interested colleagues In this open workshop, we would like to listen to you and jointly elaborate on equal

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GIZ Gender-Slam: Gender Reloaded

  Gender-Slam – Programm – ENGL (Eschborn, March 8, 11:00-13:00 am, Auditorium and live-streamed on the Intranet) Please find the recording of the GIZ Gender Slam 2019 here (click for internal link – GIZ staff only). Copyright: GIZ/Rajiv Raman On

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Serbia (Belgrade) – Gender Equality World Café 2015

GIZ Serbia organized a Gender World Café 2015 in co-operation with the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit of the Republic of Serbia (SIPRU). Current and future needs to improve emerging gender issues in Serbia have been discussed. The participants

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Benin (Cotonou) – “Pause détente Genre” – Internal Gender Week celebration of the Programme Promotion of Agriculture (ProAgri)

While ProAgri’s main event for the Gender Week took place in the North of Benin in the form of a workshop to promote female entrepreneurship in the rural area, the office in Cotonou organized an internal celebration. All ProAgri employees

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Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar) – Meet and Greet: Gender Triangle

The topic will be “Meet and Greet – Gender Triangle”. The event aims to exploit network effects by inviting various actors, who also invite actors implementing gender-related activities in Mongolia. It provides an opportunity to get to know each other

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Philippines & Pacific Islands (Makati City) – Daily Gender Struggle

Each day during gender week, a new message will be posted in each office to provoke discussion among colleagues about gender issues in our everyday lives. These messages could be short anecdotes, provocative questions or even an image of a

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Peru (Lima) – Awareness Raising “If you were the Opposite Sex…”

The Gender Group of the GIZ-Peru is organizing an activity on the 6th of March, in order to raise awareness amongst the colleagues and visitors of the GIZ-Peru and its programs and projects, about the importance of making gender equality

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