07 March 2022, Monday
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Empowerment for Women

The virtual workshop Empowerment for Women  addresses female GIZ staff  and aims to provide them with self-empowerment skills, which they can use in their working lives and everyday lives. The webinar opens a space for self-reflection and personal development –

cTVET project improves TVET schools’ organisational gender capacities through Participatory Gender Audits

Cooperative Technical and Vocational Education and Training (cTVET)  developed and submitted recommendations to formulate gender sensitive articles to be integrated in the TVET law revision. The government working group for TVET law reform process were working together with national gender

Female participation in syndicale organisations

GIZ Chad organises a round table discussion about female participation in syndicale organisations. The objective of the event is to inform female staff about the role of syndicats and about the importance of female participation and to increase the number

Gender promotion messages

With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as background we will share gender promotion messages every day throughout the Gender Week.

Conversatorio virtual: “Resiliencia y sororidad: mujeres diversas y tiempos de covid-19”

En el marco de la conmemoración de la semana de género en GIZ y con motivo del 8 de marzo, el equipo de género de GIZ Ecuador hemos organizado un Conversatorio virtual interno dirigido al personal y grupo directivo de


Liebe Kolleg*innen aus dem Personalbereich, wir möchten gendersensibel sein. Doch wann nehmen wir uns mal die Zeit, zu reflektieren, was das konkret bedeutet? Wir möchten die Gender Week 2022 nutzen und das Angebot dazu mit dieser Veranstaltung machen. Gemeinsam können

Gender Indicators Governance and Conflict

The sectoral department: 4C GOvernance and Conflict is starting a process of collection and analysing of gender indicators for further programs / projects in development cooperation. For  more information please contact pia.honerath@giz.de

GIZ Namibia | 15 Suggestions on How to Raise a Feminist Child

Based on the book “Dear Ijeawele – A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions” by Chimamanda Adichie Ngozi, GIZ Namibia staff will receive every day one of the 15 suggestions via email, starting one week before the gender week (28 February)

GIZ Namibia | Brown Bag Lunch: Gender Inequality & Domestic Violence

When: Mo, 7 March 2022   12h00-13h00 Where: MS Teams link GIZ Namibia colleagues are invited to an informal virtual discussion around gender inequality and domestic violence in Namibia, based on a short public video that is presented. The project leader

Virtual Individual Coaching during the Gender Week 2022

As of now all sessions have been booked As part of the GIZ Gender Week 2022, which will take place from 07th to 11th March 2022, we would like to draw your attention to the 45-minute virtual individual coaching on