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1ra Jornada de Formación de la Red Mujeres en Energía Renovable y Eficiencia Energética (REDMEREE)

Este evento formó parte de las acciones para el fortalecimiento de capacidades de la REDMEREE, una red cuyo objetivo es impulsar un sector de energía renovable y eficiencia energética que promueva un desarrollo sustentable y humano donde mujeres y hombres

Towards New Masculinities: Emotional Intelligence Workshop / Taller de inteligencia emocional para la construcción de nuevas masculinidades

El pasado 19 de marzo tuvo lugar el Taller de inteligencia emocional para la construcción de nuevas masculinidades organizado por el GT Género. Este evento estuvo dirigido a los hombres de la GIZ con el objetivo de brindar herramientas para

In-house conversation about women’s professional development and leadership / Conversatorio sobre liderazgo y desarrollo profesional de las mujeres

El Conversatorio sobre liderazgo y desarrollo profesional de las mujeres tuvo como objetivo generar un espacio de diálogo a través del cual mujeres en puestos gerenciales compartieran algunas experiencias y recomendaciones en el tema con colegas de la GIZ. El

Semana de Género en la GIZ México

La GIZ es una organización comprometida con la igualdad de género al ser un derecho humano, un factor clave para alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible y un criterio de calidad de nuestro trabajo. Por ello, a fin de promover el intercambio

Comic on sexual abuse in peacekeeping missions

The short Comic by Jan Grebe and Bourahima Zongo tells the Story of Ama who is raped by a soldier, getting pregnant and therefore is expelled from her Family home. The aim of the Comic is to indicate legal failures prosecuting

Posted in Year 2017

Lunch debate/Déjeuner-débat: En quoi la décentralisation contribue-elle à l’épanouissement et à l’émergences des femmes ?

Event Documentation: The Topic of the day was “Economic Empowerment in a changing world of work”. We gave several Inputs in order to give an overview on global questions of gender before focusing on Mali discussing the following Topics: –

Gender Sensitive Initiatives to Reduce Malnutrition: A Joint Action to Improve Dietary Diversity among Women and Children in Madhya Pradesh (India)

The Department of Women & Child Development, Bhopal in collaboration with GIZ & the NGOs celebrated International Women’s Day on 8th of March, 2017 to improve nutritional diversity and improved quality intake of diets in a gender-equitable manner to reduce

Semana de Género en Nicaragua

documentación del evento:  El tema de género en la empresa es un factor clave para el desarrollo sostenible y un criterio de calidad de nuestra labor: mejoramos los resultados de nuestras intervenciones teniendo en cuenta las realidades de vida diferentes

“The Best Woman Entrepreneurs 2017” Award by the RA Prime Minister

Event Documentation:  “The Best Women Entrepreneurs 2017” Award by the RA Prime Minister and the opening of the Expo-Fair in support of women entrepreneurs took place on after the GIZ Gender Week. The annual award ceremony is implemented under the

Daily newsfeeds and gender brown bag lunch: Gender week Vietnam 2017

Event Documentation: During the Gender Week Vietnam , 4 colleagues in GIZ Vietnam sent out daily briefings on different topics: GIZ gender strategy, gender-based violence, the Convention on Eliminating Discrimination Against Women and discrimination against women at work. At the

Celebrated Debate: Gender-Week Mozambique

Event documentation: About 50 colleagues participated in the Gender Week Event of GIZ Mozambique, including some representatives from NGOs and EU delegation. Based on a participative approach and on pictures of Mozambican women – fruit sellers, waste collectors and accountants from

Safety for Men and Women Self Defense Training at GIZ India

The Security Desk of GIZ India organized two separate self-defense trainings during the GIZ Gender Week 2017– for both women and men. The trainings were conducted in close cooperation with MitKat (safety and security consultant group). Each three hour training session covered the

Café temático: Gênero

In this event we will discuss  achievements and challenges of Gender mainstreaming with GIZ Brasil staff, as well as with guests from USAID and UN Women.


International Women’s Day is annually held on March 8 to celebrate women’s achievements throughout history and across nations. It is also known as the United Nations (UN) Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace. The UN drew global attention to

ANA HUNNA Female Mentoring kicks-off at the University of Jordan

The second round of ANA HUNNA female mentoring will be officially launched on Thursday, 9 March 2017 at the University of Jordan. Young female students (mentees) are paired up with experienced female professionals (mentors) to jointly work on their transition

Movie screening “Girl Rising”

From Academy Award-nominated director Richard E. Robbins, Girl Rising journeys around the globe to witness the strength of the human spirit and the power of education to change the world. Viewers get to know nine unforgettable girls living in the

GIZ Cambodia Gender Week – Film Screening Event and Gender Competition

Event Documentation: What has gender equality to do with James Bond? In a video clip released for International Women’s Day 2011, Judi Dench and Daniel Craig, famously known as “M” and James Bond, reflect on some aspects of gender inequality

“Girls’ Day” Förderung von jungen Frauen im Berufsbildungssektor

Das Projekt „Kooperative Berufsbildung im Rohstoffsektor“ unterstützt die Durchführung von Girls‘ Days in der Mongolei gemeinsam mit dem mongolischen Ministerium für Arbeit und Sozialschutz. Das Ziel des Girls‘ Days ist es, den Schülerinnen der Oberstufen und Abschlussjahrgänge, die kurz vor

Photo stories “Super women” / Fotohistorietas “super mujeres”

Event Documentation: “Super women, true women” Exhibition of various photo stories about local women and their work during the events organized by local authorities in the Tungurahua and Napo provinces of Ecuador. We will also host two events where those

Participatory Route / Ruta Participativa

Event Documentation: Training of Trainers in Ecuador using a methodology for children (5-9 years), which helps to prevent violence against women in a playful way. For more informatin have a look at the spanish publication “Guía Ruta Participativa”! Formación de

Information campaign / Campaña de información

Event Documentation: Information campaign We answer your questions and share your commitments to gender equality through an interactive (photo) campaign during GIZ Gender Week (6th to 10th of march). We also show a video of the play “Los cimarrones” (“The untamed”). GIZ


As we are striving for a bold change, we the Berea team will celebrate the International Women’s Day (IWD) by providing a platform in a form of a seminar for presentations on gender based violence, child protection, youth rights and

Impact du Genre au niveau des partenaires directs ou indirects de la GIZ/RDC

Concernant la semaine Genre, la GIZ/RDC organise des interview auprès de ses partenaires directs ou indirects pour savoir l’impact du Genre dans leurs activités ou même leurs vies. Ses interview seront enregistrés sous forme d’un vidéo de 5 à 10

Gender equality in the African and South African Context

Ms. Barbara Kalima-Phiri will be talking on her role during her work at the continental level as Africa Director for a Pan Africa research and advocacy organisation, AFRODAD, leading and managing projects in 10 African countries. She conducted ground breaking

Balancing Work, Family, Community, Self – Can Working Women Have It All?

Event Documentation: Balancing Work, Family, Community, Self: Can Working Women Have It All? To commemorate International Women’s Day on 8 March 2017, the Gender Working Group in GIZ Bangladesh organised a discussion session on a topic that has been under

Closing event of the gender week in Benin: 13 events in total

Event Documentation: GIZ Benin participated in the GIZ Gender Week from 06 to 10 march 2017 by organizing 13 out of 43 events held by the Africa Department, for example an exhibition about gender and equal access to energy which

“Improving the representativeness of women in the municipal administrations”

Event Documentation: This exchange session, organized by the decentralization project PDDC and initiated as part of International Women’s Day, aimed to enable male and female colleagues to follow the commitments made by the PDDC during the International Women’s Day 2016

Women’s Leadership in Rural Development

Event Documentation: The project “Green Innovation centres for the agriculture and food sector in Benin” (ProCIVA) dedicated a day to Women Leaders in the rural development. Women Leaders of the sector exchanged on the impacts of ProCIVA’s support on the

Gender Quiz Benin

Event Documentation: Gender Quiz: A “questions and answers” game aimed to raising the awareness, participation and reflection of the project staff around the theme of gender equality. Candidates from each site (Parakou, Bohicon and Cotonou) competed in 3 successive rounds

Radio broadcasting on “Women and market gardening: access to land and integrated management of soil fertility”

Event Documentation: On the occasion of the “International Women’s Day” the project “Soil protection and soil rehabilitation for food security in Benin” (ProSOL) launched a debate on the subject “Women and market gardening: access to land and integrated management of

Screening and panel discussion: “Think again!” in Benin

The energy sector contributes significantly to the key pillars of sustainable, social, economic and environmental development. Unfortunately, women are underrepresented in this sector, whether as members of communities where energy projects are implemented, in public offices where energy programs and

Conference “Gender-sensitive Budgeting” at the Benin Ministry of Planning

Event Documentation: On the occasion of the International Women’s Day the program “Macroeconomic advisory service on poverty reduction”  (ACMERP) organised a conference on the subject “gender-sensitive budgeting”.  The conference took place at the Ministry of Planning. Pictures: Have a look at

Women from the Mono Delta engaged in natural resource management

Event Documentation: The Mono RBT Delta project works on the creation of the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve in the Mono River Delta in Benin and Togo. This process actively involves the populations of the project areas. In a vision of sustainable

Training of girls on nutrition and their responsibilities for healthy and active living

Event Documentation: The Global Programme on Food and Nutrition Security, Enhanced Resilience in Benin (ProSAR) organised a Training for girls on nutrition and their responsibilities for healthy and active living at the Girl’s High School. Have a look at the GIZ

Gender event: Addressing the gender gap in agriculture

The “Agricultural Innovation Support Project” in collaboration with its partner AGRITEX Mutare will host a gender event in Mutare rural district. Theme: “Together for gender equality, together for successful development” (Kubudirira kunoda tose) Women disproportionately experience limited opportunities due to

Exposition « le genre et accès à l’énergie » / Exhibition “gender and access to energy”

The program “Energising Development” (EnDev) organise the exhibition “gender and access to energy” to show through pictures the relevance of the gender dimension in the energy sector. The exhibition highlights the negative effects of the lack of access to energy

Switching traditional gender roles / Inverser les rôles traditionnels : Une journée de théâtre continu « Femmes et hommes – Hommes et femmes »

The program Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Benin (ProSEHA) organise a day of role play: for one whole day all employees of ProSEHA will switch the perspective as if they were the “opposite” sex for one day. The event will

Speech and debate on the topic ” Women in a changing world of work: Plant 50-50 by 2030″

Increasing the participation of women in the labor market is an important step to gender equality.  The program ProSOL organise a speech and debate on the topic ” Women in a changing world of work: Plant 50-50 by 2030″ to

Slam contest for Gender Equality

A l’occasion de la Semaine du Genre, le Centre culturel Germano-Malgache, le collectif Madagaslam et la GIZ organisent un concours de slam pour faire entendre les voix des jeunes artistes malgaches pour l’égalité femmes-hommes, le 11 mars au CGM d’Antananarivo.

Gender Breakfast Meeting 2017 in Ghana

The GIZ Ghana Gender Network under the auspices of the Country Director is organising a Gender Breakfast Meeting as part of the Gender Week 2017 and also to commemorate the International Women’s Day 2017. The event will be to used to

Screening of a Success Story of a Palestinian Female Entrepreneur

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, the Gender Working Group/ Nawi Cluster is pleased to invite you all to join our brief celebration of INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY 2017 Screening of a short success stroy “Imtiaz Awwad” a Palestinian

Mentoring and gender equality at GIZ Mali

GIZ Mali is about to develop a gender equality policy for GIZ staff on country level and to implement a mentoring system to be able to promote female staff to higher positions in order to meet the percentage aimed at

“Make your move!”

On the 8th of March 2017, citizens in Mafeteng, Lesotho, are going to be encouraged to voice out their own individual opinions concerning gender. These different opinions will generate an innovative and productive environment for a discussion that will point

“Gender is not only about women and children”

The Qacha’s Nek GIZ PISA team will address the issues of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and child labor. The overall goal will be, to provide young people at the PISA office in Qacha’s Nek with Information about GBV in their

Women Solidarity March, Lesotho

Looking at the International Women’s Day values, the GIZ PISA team in Leribe is conducting in cooperation with Bacha – re – Bacha the Women Solidarity March on the 8th of March 2017. We want the gender and health issues

Women’s Day in Mokhotlong, Lesotho

As the GIZ PISA project is a platform that provides political information, we as the local PISA Center in Mokhotlong will, on the 8th of March 2017, concentrate on women’s rights. Especially in rural areas, women are faced with challenges

Women in leadership – be bold for change in Lesotho

We as the GIZ PISA Maseru district team, will spend the entire morning of the 07th of March 2017 on the topic of Gender equality. We have invited two women that are in leading positions, to share with the citizens

G500 Gender Group Poster Display in Bonn

Gender is a central topic in agriculture, and the G500 Gender Group is illustrating several gender activities of the sector and global programmes throughout the Gender Week. Posters will be presented alongside the event on “#Code4Equality” on March 6th, and

Community campaign meetings on promoting women land rights

In line with the International Women’s day theme, “Be bold for change”, GIZ Strengthening Human Rights in Uganda, GIZ Uganda Civil Peace Service in partnership with the Ateker Women Land Rights Partners is being bold by conducting 18 community campaign

High school Debate on Gender Activity

Men and women should be treated equally. This very basic topic is going to be our motto here at the PISA district center in Quthing, Lesotho. On Friday 08th of March 2017 we will invite the debating clubs of two

“Be bold for change: Be gender champion” GIZ Rwanda

Event documentation: Gender Equality remains high on the political agenda for development – in Rwanda, in Germany and internationally – and is a guiding principle and quality feature of our work. The event “Be bold for change: Be gender champion” brought

Young Women Mentoring Program in Uganda

MY WORLD – Mentoring Young Women: Road to Leadership Development 7. March 2017 | 15:00 – 16:30 | Eschborn, ED 11067 Presentation and Open Discussion Through its Agricultural and Rural Finance (AGRUFIN) Program, GIZ on behalf of BMZ has been supporting

Gender lunchbreak Tanzania

Open discussion (ask questions, share experirences) on gender during lunch brek

Theatre Performance on “Gender Equality in the Workplace”

During a recent discussion, we, the Gender Focal Points of GIZ Tanzania, realized that much of our workplace continues to be shaped by gender stereotypes, including professions that are “typically male” or “typically female” and the associations that we make

Lunchtime Quiz on Gender and Gender Equality

During this event, we seek to discuss and exchange some surprising facts about Gender and Gender Equality in Tanzania in a fun and engaging way!

Women in public spaces

Event Documentation: On the occasion of the celebration of the International Women’s Day by GIZ in Mozambique, the Good Financial Governance („BGF“) program is pleased to present several of its initiatives for gender equity and women empowerment in the country.

Show your support for Gender Equality!

GIZ Tanzania, is widespread throughout the country, with colleagues working in many different towns and regions. In order to enable all of our colleagues to show their support for Gender Equality and come together as one GIZ on this occasion,

Breaking down gender stereotypes in the world of work

Panel discussion and information market Following UN Women’s theme for this year’s international women’s day „Women in the changing world of work“, GIZ Cameroon will host an afternoon of presentations and discussions around “Breaking gender stereotypes in the world of

Brown Bag Picnic “Unlock the Potential! – Fostering Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment through GIZ projects”

Event Documentation: GIZ Laos invitedall staff members as well as interested colleagues from partner institutions to a Brown Bag Picnic “Unlock the Potential! – Fostering Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment through GIZ projects” on International Women’s Day. There were Inputs about several

INTERACTIVE CINEMA ON WOMEN’S RIGHTS – GIZ Tunisia’s Gender Group members invite their colleagues to be “theatrical”

Event Documentation: In the scope of GIZ Gender Week 2017, GIZ Tunisia’s Gender Group members invited their colleagues to be “theatrical”. Our event “Interactive Cinema” started rather conventionally with a warm welcoming by our group members Sarah Chaar and Feriel

Awareness Raising

To raise awareness among GIZ and partner organizations’ staff on issues of gender–based violence all GIZ offices in the country will hang up posters with the GIZ ‘Our voice against gender-based violence’ logo. Additionally, stickers will be given out, in

Gender at GIZ Mauritania

We would like to raise awareness on the importance of gender in our projects and to look at gender issues amongst staff – the whole GIZ in Mauritania is invited to exchange and discuss these topics. The results of a survey among

Women, Land and Corruption

The national chapter of Transparency International in Madagascar produced a short movie (~ 5 minutes) on the topic: “Women, land and corruption”. This short movie will be broadcasted on the national TV channel of Madagascar (TVM) and a private channel

Open Forum: Transforming Leadership – Women, Men, Power and Potential

The GIZ Global Leadership Academy together with the Asian Development Bank co-convenes an Open Forum at the GIZ Representation in Berlin on 31 March 2017 with welcome remarks by Dr. Christoph Beier, Vice-Chair of GIZ Management Board, and Debra Kertzmann,

Brown Bag Lunch

Discussion on Gender and work-life-balance; focusing on issues such as: – How to balance family and work with women and men pursuing careers equally – Stumbling blocks that prevent equal opportunities for both men and women

Who said that only boys can become engineers?

In order to promote a ”male” profession among girls, to encourage young women consider pursuing such professional opportunities within a school-based professional orientation exercise, a “Girl’s Day” will be organized by the GIZ project “Structural Reform in Vocational Education and

Launch of the Gender Equality and Religion Platform

Launch of the Gender Equality and Religion Platform for the Gender Responsive Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development / CSW 61 15 March 2015 | United Kingdom Mission to the United Nations in New York There is growing

Gender in the perception of Kyrgyz society

UN Women will present and discuss with GIZ-Kyrgyzstan the key results of the Study “Gender in the perception of society”: What do these perceptions mean for our daily work and how can we deal with the resulting challenges or opportunities?

Internal Workshop for Mainstreaming of Gender in EUEI PDF Portfolio

EU Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF) Internal Workshop for Mainstreaming of Gender in EUEI PDF Portfolio Date: February 24th, 2017 Venue: GIZ Headquarter, Haus 7 The European Union Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF) is a flexible

Empowering women through access to land

On 10 March the conference “Empowering Women through Access to Land” will take place in Tirana, Albania, jointly organised by GIZ and FAO, in cooperation with the International Union of Notaries. The conference will be organized into three panels. In

Conference: Women and Finance

The Financial Literacy Initiative (FLI – supported by the GIZ “Promotion of Competitiveness” Programme in Namibia will host its second Women’s Conference to discuss finance, money, investing, teaching kids about money, financial literacy and education among women and with

Presentation/Discussion on ‘Gender-Sensitive Project Implementation’

Date: 09 March 2017, 14.00 – 16.00 h, GIZ Kosovo House 1, big conference room Dear colleagues, We would like to invite you to join us for a short presentation and a discussion on ‘Gender-Sensitive Project Implementation’ on Thursday, 09.03.2017.

Gender Pop-Up Centre

Date: 08 March 2017, 10.00 – 17.00 h, GIZ Kosovo House 1, big conference room Dear colleagues, We would like to invite you to join us at the Gender Pop-Up Centre on Wednesday, 08.03.2017, at GIZ Kosovo. You can stop by

Presentation on ‘How to Achieve Gender-Equal Distribution of Public Resources?’

Date: 06 March 2017, 09.30 – 11.30 h, GIZ Kosovo House 1, big conference room To kick off the Gender Week at GIZ Kosovo in Pristina, we invite you to join a presentation on ‘How to Achieve Gender-Equal Distribution of

Competition in Traditional Dancing on International Women Day

The World´s Women Day on 8th of March is a big event in Lao PDR, usually, women do not have to go to work and their husbands or boyfriends buy flowers, take them out to drink beer or cook for

“Beauty of Taxation” – Women Empowerment by Educating Beauty Salons Entrepreneurs

Success Story : Women Empowerment by Educating Beauty Salons Entrepreneurs: At first thought, few would think to associate taxation with beauty. But the two can be combined as evidenced by the collaboration of PRA and the German Development Partner, GIZ, in

Info Point: Women and Leadership – Frauen in Führung

Event Dokumentation: Frauen in Führung – Beispiele aus der Arbeit der GIZ im In- und Ausland Im Rahmen der Genderwoche und anlässlich des Weltfrauentages widmete sich ein Info-Stand dem Thema „Frauen in Führung – Beispiele aus der Arbeit der GIZ

#Code4Equality – Mitbestimmung, Teilhabe und Repräsentation für Frauen und Mädchen durch digitale Technologien

Event Dokumentation: Die GIZ Bonn hat im Rahmen der GIZ-Genderwoche 2017 zur Veranstaltung #Code4Equality – Mitbestimmung, Teilhabe und Repräsentation für Frauen und Mädchen durch digitale Technologien eingeladen. Der digitale Wandel hat Arbeitswelt und Alltagsgestaltung, Kommunikations- und Informationsmöglichkeiten verändert. Auch in

Shaping Our Future Through Conversations that Matter : ’Gender Equality in the Changing World : Planet 50-50 by 2030′

Event Documentation: Café Tables at GIZ India’s Gender Café Event were discussing issues pertinent to both men and women of a changing world: Empowerment of women through digital solutions; Gender sensitive communications, ‘Addressing women’s safety’ ‘Role and involvement of Men in

Leave no one behind – Gender justice and LGBTI in International Cooperation

Event Documentation: What is the meaning of gender equality in the face of sexual and gender diversity? The special focus of this event looks at the demand and promotion of gender justice for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans and inter (LGBTI).

Empowering rural women in Africa: Tailored agricultural vocational training solutions for women

Event Documentation: A look at the most significant labour market for women in Africa was overdue: Agriculture. Women represent a significant part of the workforce in the agrarian sector, producing up to 80% of the food in Sub-Saharan Africa. At the

Be bold for Change at GIZ Indonesia

Event Documentation: Gender equality is a human right. Human rights are a guiding principle for German development policy. It is key to sustainable development. As in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), gender equality is again firmly enshrined in the 2030

“Our voice against gender-based violence” – photo exhibition

Event Documentation: 854 photos. 38 countries. 1362 active participants: 818 women and 544 men. This is the impressive result of the GIZ-wide photo campaign “Your voice against gender-based violence”. On the occasion of the international 16 Days of Activism against

Brazil: Test Entry

Test Entry