Two days Regional Workshop (Western Balkan 6 Countries) on strengthening the notarial practices in South East Europe by implementing the gender responsive share of land ownership. The workshop will cover the following sessions: – The LAT methodology and countries’ reporting…
Organizing Roundtable on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment with Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy The objectie of the event is to open a discussion with the lead Governmental representatives and governmental body in charge…
Workshop on Internal GIZ CO Sex-Disaggregated Data Collection Mechanism. The objective of the workshop is to prepare the project staff nominated for collection of the sex-disaggregated data for use of the system (excel-based software templates) that is going to be…
PRESENTATION OF THE GIZ COUNTRY OFFICE GENDER EQUALITY STRATEGY 2020-2024. The Strategy will be presented to GIZ CO staff members including the members of the Management Team. The objective is to achieve ownership by the staff, lobby for time and…
A HARASSMENT-FREE CONFERENCE EXPERIENCE FOR EVERYONE CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE In 2019, the two projects NDC Assist (BMZ) and the Support Project for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (BMU) organized an international climate conference in Berlin, the Global NDC Conference.…
1. Corporate culture When at a conference, we try to count the number of women and men at the audience. Not surprisingly, women are often in a numeric balance, if not in advantage. Nevertheless, this advantage cannot be extrapolated when…
Introduction In November 2019 the German Parliament agreed that from January 2020 the tax on sanitary products – the so-called Tampon Tax – would be decreased from 19% to 7%. At this year’s Menstrual Hygiene Day (28.05.) PtS Flachsbarth (…
Stakeholders urged to be a voice, not an echo on gender and migration related issues. Gender is critical to the migration phenomenon. Migration is not gender neutral as gender is pivotal to any discussion that bothers on both the causes…
Projects involved: Sector Project “Sustainable Rural Areas” (SV ZLR1, GG1) – Division G530 The sector project advises the BMZ on anchoring rural development approaches, including Alternative Development, in international policy processes. It cooperates with key national and international partners,…
„Fordert das, was euch zusteht!“ rief Marta, brasilianische Nationalspielerin, in die Kameras zu den Mädchen während der Frauen-Weltmeisterschaft im vergangenen Sommer in Frankreich. Mit ihrem Tor gegen Italien im dritten Spiel Brasiliens bei der Frauen-WM wurde Marta die beste Torschützin…
Looking at Public Policy Through a Gender Lens Context and Initiative In 2016, Serbia’s Statistical Office introduced the EU Index of Gender Equality as the first country outside of the EU to collect these data. The gender equality index for…
Ein Leadership und Innovation Lab der Global Leadership Academy In Kooperation mit dem Sektorprogramm Gleichberechtigung und Frauenrechte fördern und der Thomson Reuters Foundation Warum wir einen Dialog über Frauen- und Kinderhandel brauchen Menschenhandel ist eine der schwersten Menschenrechtsverletzungen unserer…
Context and initiative According to the latest predictions of the World Economic Forum it will take another 108 years to close the existing economic gender gap on a world-wide average. The German development cooperation in collaboration with partners from the…
Die „Gespräche zur Internationalen Zusammenarbeit“ am Weltmädchentag in der GIZ-Repräsentanz Berlin Gezielte Förderung von Mädchen und jungen Frauen, Gleichberechtigung in allen Lebensbereichen, weltweit. Aus einer gemeinsamen Vision ist eine gemeinsame Aktion mit Tradition geworden. Seit drei Jahren nimmt die GIZRepräsentanz…
STRENGTHENING GENDER EQUALITY AT THE LOCAL LEVEL AND CONTRIBUTING TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDG) CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE The Ukraine – Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme (U-LEAD with Europe) supports the Ukrainian government to implement a comprehensive decentralisation and regional…
Closing the gender gap The InsuResilience Partnership – Envisioning Climate Risk Adaption The InsuResilience Global Partnership (IGP) for Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI) Solutions was established to strengthen the resilience of developing countries and pro-tect the lives…
STRENGTHENING GENDER EQUALITY IN THE EXTRACTIVE SECTOR Gender Competition 2020 – GG1 – 3rd Place CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Women and girls account for between a third and up to half of…
What does it mean to be a man and a feminist? Many male colleagues wonder which role they can take on when it comes to the promotion of gender equality. Discussions on gender equality are mostly dominated by women. But…
Women, Peace and Security: Opportunities and Challenges in the Implementation of UN Resolution 1325 Strengthening the Women and Peace and Security Agenda is one of the main focuses of Germany’s membership in the UN Security Council in 2019/20. The aim…
Vernissage #ClosingTheGenderGap The interactive and multi-media exhibition #ClosingTheGenderGAP – Sustainable Development needs Gender Equality showcases the worldwide commitment of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development for the promotion of gender equality. After a short introduction you will have…
GIZ Gender-Award Ceremony In 2019 almost twice as many teams applied for the GIZ Gender Award 2020 as two years ago, exceeding all our expectations. The 120 applications received are an impressive testimony to our commitment and our contribution to…
Photo credits Jutta Benzenberg, Copyright GIZ EMPOWERING WOMEN THROUGH ACCESS TO LAND OPEN REGIONAL FUND FOR SOUTH EAST EUROPE – LEGAL REFORM CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Although it is widely recognized that equality in land ownership rights has a positive impact…
Type of intervention: Street fair – “ Shero- talk” The “German October” is a traditional event which occurs in Albania since 2007. The activities are mainly organized by the German Embassy in Tirana in cooperation with other German actors in…
WE EMPOWER WOMEN IN THE TRANSPORT SECTOR Gender Competition 2020 – GG1 – 1st Place CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE The transport sector is not gender neutral: It is dominated by men and with this, transport planning and mobility systems are…
Regional Workshop on Target Group Engagement and Gender Mainstreaming in the context of Migration in the Western Balkans Concept Note The Regional Workshop on Target Group Engagement and Gender Mainstreaming will aim to offer a platform for the exchange…
Tagged with:
The GIZ Open Regional Fund for South East Europe – Legal Reform (ORF-LR) project together with the IPA 2017 project “Countering Serious Crime in the Western Balkans”, organized on the 26th of March in Tirana, Albania, a “Working Breakfast with Female…
Das GG2-Vorhaben “Prävention von Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen im südlichen Afrika” hat nach zweijähriger Entwicklungszeit im Januar die App “Nokaneng” auf den Markt gebracht. Informationen, Unterstützung und Schutz von Frauen per App – aber wie genau funktioniert das? Und worauf musste bei der Umsetzung…
Our first two events 2019 Speed Coaching – Female Finance “Language and Salary Negotiation” and the keynote event “Womanomics” took place in Eschborn with a sensational success! The registrations for our offered Speed Coaching – Female Finance “Language and Salary…
“GIZ Kosovo marks gender week with lively debates and reflection of its own gender perceptions” Like previous years, the GIZ Kosovo Gender Group marked the Gender Week with two interesting events – this year with a special emphasis on reflection…
“GIZ Kosovo marks gender week with lively debates and reflection of its own gender perceptions” Like previous years, the GIZ Kosovo Gender Group marked the Gender Week with two interesting events – this year with a special emphasis on reflection…
8. März, 13.00 – 14.30 Uhr, Bonn, Saal Donau Die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter ist in vielerlei Hinsicht eng verknüpft mit den Themen Ernährung und Ernährungssicherung. Die Zusammenhänge werden, u.a. in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, seit vielen Jahren international diskutiert. Verschiedene Studien verweisen…
GIZ INDIA GENDER DAY 2019 SYNOPSIS REPORT FOR GIZ GENDER MEET: GENDER RELOADED 7th March, GIZ Office, New Delhi, India GIZ India organized a Gender Meet: Gender Reloaded’ on Thursday, 7th March, 2019 to take into cognizance the new reloaded…
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 6:30 PM Schwarzkopf Stiftung Sophienstraße 28-29, 10178 Berlin, Mitte, Deutschland–1 Equal pay for equal work? Gender equality is claimed to be one of the EU’s founding values, written since 1957 in the Treaty of Rome.…
Lama Ahmad © GIZ/C. Cannizzo (Berlin, March 11, 16:30 – 18:30 o’clock) Flight and displacement cannot just increase gender-specific risks for women, but also open up new room for maneuver: in fragile contexts, gender relations can be renegotiated and tasks…
When GUCCI Meets GAMMA – Recognising Women as Powerful Stakeholders in Climate Action By now, it is widely recognized that climate change affects women and men differently and that women worldwide are often disproportionately affected by its impacts. Women’s rights…
For more information on the speakers, please see the flyer: Disability and Gender event during GIZ Gender week Description of the event: One in five women globally live with disability, about 80% of them in the global south. In Zambia,…
When? Thursday, March 7, 2019, 10:00 -11:30 Where? GIZ Bonn, Mäanderbau Donau Hall Who? Equal Opportunity Commissioner, Bonn and all interested colleagues In this open workshop, we would like to listen to you and jointly elaborate on equal…
Gender-Slam – Programm – ENGL (Eschborn, March 8, 11:00-13:00 am, Auditorium and live-streamed on the Intranet) Please find the recording of the GIZ Gender Slam 2019 here (click for internal link – GIZ staff only). Copyright: GIZ/Rajiv Raman On…
As part of this year’s International Transport Forum Summit 2018 on Transport Safety & Security, the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative is organizing the first “Women Mobilize Women” Conference to transform mobility through female empowerment on May 22, 2018! » When…
„Welt im Wandel“ – eine Veranstaltungsreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH und des Verlags Der Tagesspiegel GmbH Die Benachteiligung von Frauen im Wirtschaftsleben ist eine Realität. Weltweit leisten Frauen 66 Prozent der Arbeit, haben aber nur zehn…
“Die Frau mit der Machete, die gerade eine Ananas zubereitet, ist eine verwitwete Kakao-Bäuerin, die neben den anfallenden häuslichen Arbeiten ihr Auskommen mit dem Kakao-Anbau bestreitet; sie hat niemanden, der ihr hilft. Ihr Gesichtsausdruck strahlt für mich Stärke, Stolz und…
Herewith we’d like to cordially invite you to GIZ’s 1st Gender Salon How to empower WO MEN in Kosovo’s education and economy? On the background of a significantly lower labour force participation among women in Kosovo than men, we would…
At the initiative of Esther Loehr and Gereltuya Puntsagdash from JUNGE LISTE Bonn, the Film “In Between” will be shown in the Canteen of Mäanderbau of GIZ in Bonn from 17:00 to 19:00 o`clock on March 8th 2018. Popcorn and…
Gender equality is an engine and elementary feature of a future worth living around the world. As such it features high on the German, European and international agenda. SDG5 was amongst the first SDGs to be reviewed by the United Nations…
Given that gender equality is one of the key criteria for good governance, achieving results in this area requires coordinated engagement within and outside institutions and other mechanisms in Kosovo. For this purpose, we invite you to the Gender Equality…
When: 6th March 2018, 10:00 – 11:30 am Where: Skype-for-Business What: Review and outlook after a one-year pilot phase Today, digital technologies are an important prerequisite for social, political and economic participation. They also offer new opportunities to empower women…
Promoting a more inclusive gender approach Advocating respect for human rights, equal opportunities and integrity are core values of GIZ. The GIZ Rainbow Network is actively pursuing to make this a lived reality by promoting structural embodiment of lesbian, gay,…
BUSINESS IDEAS COMPETITION OF THE ALBANIAN ALPS 1. Challenge Rural women, especially in the Albanian Alps the access to know how and information is very limited and even inexistent in many cases. They are not exposed to any information on…
CONTEXT Municipalities in Kosovo face a huge challenge when it comes to providing essential services for their citizens and this is evident in the waste management sector. The country still lacks an organized integrated system of waste management. As it…
For digital technologies to unfold their positive potential on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, the gender digital divide has to be overcome – this is the main message of the BMZ initiative #eSkills4Girls. Currently, women only hold 24 percent of…
Sub-project: „Municipal services for the creation of employment opportunities for vulnerable groups” Component: Dissemination of the Competencies Passport to Serbia ABOUT THE COMPONENT: The Sub-Project „Municipal services for the creation of employment opportunities for vulnerable groups” is aiming to build…
Women20 as International Implementation Partner Background Diversity and full participation are es-sential for fostering resilient, sustaina-ble and viable economies and socie-ties. Equal rights and women’s eco-nomic empowerment are thus funda-mental for a prosperous world and so-cial development. The Women20…
Gender meets Religion Religious Actors and Gender Equality On March 6th, the Sector Programme Values, Religion and Development hosted an event in collaboration with GIZ Principal Gender Officer Angela Langenkamp and the GIZ Representation on the role of religion for…
© Klaus Wöhrmann Women in Agricultural Value Chains – Experiences, Impacts & Commitments for the Future When? Thursday, 8. March 2018, 14:00-17:30 CET plus Reception afterwards Where? GIZ Bonn, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40; 53113 Bonn; Conference Room “Saal Nil”and S4B With? Dr.…
Genderweek – „Women, Peace and Security: Preventing war and sustaining peace“ UN Security Council Res. 1325 calls for more support for women’s participation in peace negotiations and in post-conflict reconstruction. Germany’s role in the implementation of Res.1325 and the on-going…
Where? Friday, 9. March 2018, 12 noon – 3:00 pm Where? Eschborn, Audi 1+2, Live Stream With? Tanja Gönner, GIZ Board Member and Caren Grown, World Bank Group Senior Director GIZ Gender Award 2018: Gender equality is a quality feature…
Event Documentation: “The Best Women Entrepreneurs 2017” Award by the RA Prime Minister and the opening of the Expo-Fair in support of women entrepreneurs took place on after the GIZ Gender Week. The annual award ceremony is implemented under the…
Gender is a central topic in agriculture, and the G500 Gender Group is illustrating several gender activities of the sector and global programmes throughout the Gender Week. Posters will be presented alongside the event on “#Code4Equality” on March 6th, and…
MY WORLD – Mentoring Young Women: Road to Leadership Development 7. March 2017 | 15:00 – 16:30 | Eschborn, ED 11067 Presentation and Open Discussion Through its Agricultural and Rural Finance (AGRUFIN) Program, GIZ on behalf of BMZ has been supporting…
The GIZ Global Leadership Academy together with the Asian Development Bank co-convenes an Open Forum at the GIZ Representation in Berlin on 31 March 2017 with welcome remarks by Dr. Christoph Beier, Vice-Chair of GIZ Management Board, and Debra Kertzmann,…
In order to promote a ”male” profession among girls, to encourage young women consider pursuing such professional opportunities within a school-based professional orientation exercise, a “Girl’s Day” will be organized by the GIZ project “Structural Reform in Vocational Education and…
EU Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF) Internal Workshop for Mainstreaming of Gender in EUEI PDF Portfolio Date: February 24th, 2017 Venue: GIZ Headquarter, Haus 7 The European Union Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF) is a flexible…
On 10 March the conference “Empowering Women through Access to Land” will take place in Tirana, Albania, jointly organised by GIZ and FAO, in cooperation with the International Union of Notaries. The conference will be organized into three panels. In…
Date: 09 March 2017, 14.00 – 16.00 h, GIZ Kosovo House 1, big conference room Dear colleagues, We would like to invite you to join us for a short presentation and a discussion on ‘Gender-Sensitive Project Implementation’ on Thursday, 09.03.2017.…
Date: 08 March 2017, 10.00 – 17.00 h, GIZ Kosovo House 1, big conference room Dear colleagues, We would like to invite you to join us at the Gender Pop-Up Centre on Wednesday, 08.03.2017, at GIZ Kosovo. You can stop by…
Date: 06 March 2017, 09.30 – 11.30 h, GIZ Kosovo House 1, big conference room To kick off the Gender Week at GIZ Kosovo in Pristina, we invite you to join a presentation on ‘How to Achieve Gender-Equal Distribution of…
Event Dokumentation: Frauen in Führung – Beispiele aus der Arbeit der GIZ im In- und Ausland Im Rahmen der Genderwoche und anlässlich des Weltfrauentages widmete sich ein Info-Stand dem Thema „Frauen in Führung – Beispiele aus der Arbeit der GIZ…
Event Dokumentation: Die GIZ Bonn hat im Rahmen der GIZ-Genderwoche 2017 zur Veranstaltung #Code4Equality – Mitbestimmung, Teilhabe und Repräsentation für Frauen und Mädchen durch digitale Technologien eingeladen. Der digitale Wandel hat Arbeitswelt und Alltagsgestaltung, Kommunikations- und Informationsmöglichkeiten verändert. Auch in…
Event Documentation: What is the meaning of gender equality in the face of sexual and gender diversity? The special focus of this event looks at the demand and promotion of gender justice for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans and inter (LGBTI).…
Event Documentation: A look at the most significant labour market for women in Africa was overdue: Agriculture. Women represent a significant part of the workforce in the agrarian sector, producing up to 80% of the food in Sub-Saharan Africa. At the…
Event Documentation: 854 photos. 38 countries. 1362 active participants: 818 women and 544 men. This is the impressive result of the GIZ-wide photo campaign “Your voice against gender-based violence”. On the occasion of the international 16 Days of Activism against…
Dokumentation der Veranstaltung: Während des Werkstattgesprächs wurden die Eindrücke und Ergebnisse der Prüfmission zu dem geplanten GG2-Vorhaben „Qualifizierung von Frauen im Agrar- und Ernährungssektor“ vorgestellt und anschließend gemeinsam mit dem Publikum diskutiert. Katrin Schneider, an der Prüfung beteiligte Gutachterin zum Gender…
When: Thursday, 10.03.2016, 15:00 – 15:45 hrs Where: Eschborn, house 2, ED32078 Who: Dorina Derwanz, Gender Group, GIZ Yemen What: Gender in your coffee break – Short Film & Discussion “Women in leadership positions in Yemen” – A video project…
Dokumentation der Veranstaltung: Die Präsentationen zur Veranstaltung können hier heruntergeladen werden: ———————————————————— Wann: 08. März 2016, 10:00 – 12:30 Uhr Wo: Eschborn Was: Im Rahmen des Workshops möchten wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen das Thema Gender in Akquise und…
Dokumentation der Veranstaltung: Im Rahmen der GIZ-Genderwoche 2016 fand am Weltfrauentag, dem 8. März, das Entwicklungspolitische Kamingespräch mit dem Schwerpunkt „Gender: Wie setze ich die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter in meiner Arbeit um?“ statt. Im Bildungszentrum der Akademie für Internationale Zusammenarbeit…
Documentation of the Event: Von einem auf den anderen Moment kann sich das Leben grundlegend ändern. Mit diesem Satz beginnt der neue Roman “Mondhitze” der nicaraguanischen Schriftstellerin Gioconda Belli. Aus Sicht der Autorin trifft dieser Satz gerade für Deutschland zurzeit…
Documentation of the Event: The session presented the findings from two recent studies of the Sector Project Private Sector Development: 1. The results of an in-depth case study involving seven development interventions implemented in eight countries that have been analysed…
GIZ Gender Competition 2016 Project “Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova” Intervention area “Local Public Services” I. Context The European Union refers to gender mainstreaming as the ‘integration of equal opportunities’ in all policy actions, including…
GIZ Gender Competition 2016 Project “Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova” Intervention area “Regional planning and Programming” Why is mainstreaming gender important in infrastructure projects? Despite the adoption of the legal and regulatory framework with regard…
Context and Initiative Gender equality means that all genders enjoy equal resources or benefits, or equal access to and use of services – this also applies to healthcare. However, gender-related barriers to health undermine the right to health for all.…
1. Efforts to promote Gender equality GIZ is a longstanding partner of the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South East Europe (NALAS) and supports the network in achieving its strategic objectives. Since 2010, GIZ provides institutional support to…
When: Thursday, 10 March, 5.30-7.30 pm Where: GIZ Bonn, Mäanderbau, Kantine Who: Dr. Christoph Beier, Panelists tbc. What: Women’s economic participation and ending gender-based discrimination contributes both to women’s rights and broader sustainable development. Yet, especially in regions in crisis,…
Dokumentation der Veranstaltung: Die Präsentation zur Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in der GIZ kann hier heruntergeladen werden: ———————————————————- When: Wednesday, 9 March, 2-4 pm Where: Eschborn Auditorium 2, Bonn BM10027/29, Live Stream for all colleagues via the…
Event Documentation: This year, a total of 87 teams from 52 countries took part in the Gender Competition – a new record. ‘Gender equality is a human right, a key to sustainable development and a hallmark of our work’s quality,’…
GIZ Serbia organized a Gender World Café 2015 in co-operation with the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit of the Republic of Serbia (SIPRU). Current and future needs to improve emerging gender issues in Serbia have been discussed. The participants…
The Local Governance Programme South Caucasus, which is implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Government and in Armenia co-financed by the Swiss Development Cooperation and USAID, supports an enabling legal and institutional framework for local self-government and strengthens…
What? This interactive workshop focusses on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in relation to working with boys and men in conflict transformation and peacebuilding as a contribution to the promotion of gender equality. Resource persons from practice and science will give…
What? Projects and campaigns from GIZ, UN Women, Plan International Germany and CARE Germany are presented and offer interesting insights into innovative approaches to gender equality that focus on boys and men. Visitors have the opportunity to talk to experts from…
What? This internal workshop deals with questions related to gender and acquisition. It also deals with the added value of including men into the promotion of gender equality. Inputs will be presented by Evelyn Stöckle and Anne-Marie Castel-Langefeld from GIZ International…
Welche Herausforderungen gibt es beim Gender Mainstreaming in der GIZ? Was benötigen Gender-AP, um ihre Aufgaben erfolgreich umzusetzen? Welche Rolle spielen Unternehmenskultur, Führung, Kompetenz und Prozesse dabei? Die Stabsstelle Monitoring und Evaluierung führt in 2015 im Auftrag des Vorstands eine Unternehmensstrategische Evaluierung (USE) der GIZ…
In many countries the tasks and responsibilities of GIZ Gender Focal Points are shared within a team – the so-called gender working groups. The webinar is open to all gender focal persons of the Africa Department and provides an opportunity…
Was? ANA HUNNA Filmvorführung zum Thema „Frauen und Arbeit in der MENA Region” und anschließende Podiumsdiskussion mit Vertretern aus Politik, Kultur und Medien Wann? 21. April 2015, 17:30 Uhr – 20:30 Uhr Wo? GIZ Repräsentanz Das Regionalvorhaben „Wirtschaftliche Integration von Frauen…
Successful female lawyers are being invited to an informal get together to discuss on how to promote female lawyers. The meeting will be a gathering of prominent females who are active in practicing law in their country. During the meeting…
Successful female lawyers are being invited to an informal get together to discuss on how to promote female lawyers. The meeting will be a gathering of prominent females who are active in practicing law in their country. During the meeting…
Successful female lawyers are being invited to an informal get together to discuss on how to promote female lawyers. The meeting will be a gathering of prominent females who are active in practicing law in their country. During the meeting…
Successful female lawyers are being invited to an informal get together to discuss on how to promote female lawyers. The meeting will be a gathering of prominent females who are active in practicing law in their country. During the meeting…
Successful female lawyers are being invited to an informal get together to discuss on how to promote female lawyers. The meeting will be a gathering of prominent females who are active in practicing law in their country. During the meeting…
Successful female lawyers are being invited to an informal get together to discuss on how to promote female lawyers. The meeting will be a gathering of prominent females who are active in practicing law in their country. During the meeting…
The improvement of supply chains is a key instrument for economic support measures in the agricultural sector. From a development perspective, it is crucial to induce gender-sensitive supply chains, strengthening women’s income possibilities and promoting an equal footing in the…